
Topic: Our Forum

Sorry About The Random Urgent Question Alerts!

Posted by Valerie Witt on 0 Points
Hi guys. We're experiencing a technical bug. My sincere apologies if you're receiving email alerts for old URGENT questions!

We think we have the problem fixed, but it may take another hour for the emails that were already triggered to finish arriving.

Please post here if you're noticing any other weird anomalies in the forum today. So far we think the problem is limited to email alerts.

Thanks for your patience!

And Happy Friday! ;)



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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I received a message, "your question has been moved" either because of a bug, or because someone thought this:
    was a student question.
  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Author
    Hi guys. Eeeks! I didn't realized the questions were moving. I moved both of your questions. Carrie will look through the Student Questions category for others that were relocated accidentally.

    If anyone notices a question moving INTO a different category (other than Student Questions), please let me know. Thanks!

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hey Val,

    I thought it was just a new Marketing technique by Mprofs to Brand at a deeper level. Click your heels three times and say...

    there's no place like Marketingprofs

    there's no place like Marketingprofs

    there's no place like Marketingprofs

    Hey Val, if you start seeing an onslaught from me via email just ignore's some crazy computer glitch!

    Have a great day Val...I miss the Marketingprofs cups we use to get in the mail.

    Is there anything I can do for you? Sure it why are you waiting?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I wonder if this has something to do with today being 420? Maybe the computers are celebrating?
  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Author
    Hi Karen. Those problems sound unique. I haven't heard from anyone else with the same symptoms. I know occasionally when our email server acts up, I end up sending or receiving duplicate messages. Could it be something like that with your email service provider?

    If you're not receiving our alerts, that sounds like a spam filter or a suspended membership (which sometimes happens when someone uses the unsub link in one of our mailings to cancel their membership and then they sign up again using the same email address).

    Have you talked with Penny or Shelley at MP about this? They are better at troubleshooting these things than I am.

    Sorry for your trouble!

  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Author
    Deremiah - You crack me up! You know, we haven't had new mugs since the ones you're thinking of. Maybe this summer? I happen to know there's a big site relaunch coming our way - complete with a new look/new branding. Could be time for a little merchandising. ;)

    Peter - VERY funny! And you may be right.


  • Posted on Member
    I don't see my question under Careers anymore - I just posted in 2-3 days ago with 40 points, after I posted the same question in Branding with 250 points. Now the branding question says it's worth 40 points! Can you please help?

  • Posted on Member
    Please leave it in career at 40 points. thanks!

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