
Topic: Branding

Recommendation For Company To Help Us Rebrand

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are in the process of collecting proposal/bids to rebrand/reposition our small company. We are based in Connecticut and looking for word-of-mouth referrals - we are a small company without a huge budget for this . This is our first venture down the path to rebrand. After 12 years in business, we have created the market for what we do, however have also now created the competition! We fored the path for our services and now there are a lot of new start up companies that are following our lead. We will continue to still offer our core business which we are very well known and respected for, however would like to expand our services and target more high end customers/decision makers. We are known for one type of service and would like to now reposition/rebrand to expand and continue to forge new paths and lead the way and "help" others continue to follow!

Any referrals/recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Looking for a small firm with a lot of great ideas and hands-on, personal service - we have been working on this internally for 2 years to define our new strategy and have reached the limit to our expertise in this area and now need new ideas/energy to help us bring it all together.

Thanks very much!
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  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted
    It would help to know what biz you are in. B 2 B , B2C or what.
  • Posted by L. Duggan on Accepted
    I would recommend Anita Ford Saunders Communications in CT. They are just the type of small firm you are looking for.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi deb,

    hope you're having a great day but more importantly a great life.

    Although I'm not out of CT I have a good friend in the area and he is also one of our top contributors here on Marketingprofs. If you look to your right on the list of Top 25 names for this question category "BRANDING" you will see his name Jim Deveau/Catalyst. When you contact him you can tell him that I recommended him.

    As a rule I normally do not stick my neck out and refer many people because of the high end clients who endorse me as a brand. But having known Jim for the last 3years I can recommend him to you.

    I can best serve you here today by giving Jim a call tomorrow. Please let me know if you are serious about resolving your rebranding problem I'm positive Jim can do a great job. Now what you would like to do?

    Here are Jim's credentials:

    I own and operate my own consultancy (The Catalyst Consortium) which helps clients break logjams and spur growth via innovative solutions.

    My success is based on my ability to move clients from old comfort zones into new, winning paradigms. To do this, I rely on a professional network of experienced line managers to provide practical advice, minimize risk, and spur growth

    I enjoy assignments on branding (development, strategy, and naming), consumer targeting (strategy, segmentation, and positioning), customer-focused solutions, and novel approaches to perceived roadblocks (product development, advertising, and promotion).

    My career spans packaged goods, technology, services marketing, consulting, and executive education. I have personally managed several recognizable household names, and my client relationships include food, beverage, FMCG, financial services, technology, consumer durables, e-commerce, and lottery.

    I love executive coaching. My experience includes teaching (12 years as an Adjunct at a top B-School), executive brainstorming and facilitation, and speaking engagements at major industry events.

    On a personal note, I founded and serve as volunteer Chairman of The Graduate Business Foundation (, an all-volunteer organization that mentors leadership and innovation programs for top M.B.A. student leaders worldwide.

    I can recommend others to you from our forum if other specialties are needed but Jim knows some of these people too. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help deb. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    We are in Connecticut and have a lot of experience with branding and rebranding -- both B2B and B2C. We'd be happy to take a look at your needs and see if we're the right consultants or not. We won't take a project if we're not confident we can knock the ball out of the park.

    You can contact me via email (click on my screen name and use the email address there), and I'll give you a phone call. Then we can meet somewhere convenient and see if there's a match between your needs and our skills.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    If you look to the right and towards the top of this page, you will see a list of MarketingProfs forum members who have been ranked as Experts by this forum.

    If you click on their names, you can see their profiles, to see which are available as consultants, and can read some of their comments and suggestions.

    This ranking is not an endorsement or recommendation by this forum - and some newer and very bright forum members are still working their way up the list - but this does give you an indication that these folks are expert in the area of Branding. Good luck.
  • Posted on Accepted
    As one of the new members to the board, and a growing branding company, we have serviced customers in numerous locations on the East Coast. We would love the opportunity to learn more about your needs and how we can help!

    You'd be surprised what a little Midwestern brainstorming can do!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted

    I thought that lkbj007’s comments were the most appropriate. Despite reading English, American, German, French, Latin, Italian, Algol W, FORTRAN and C++, I couldn’t understand a word he wrote.

    As I also can’t understand how we are meant to assist you without knowing what business you are in, I suggest that you follow his advice.

    Whatever it is.

    Yours sincerely

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions

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