
Topic: Branding

Require A Rebrand Template

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What I'm looking for is a comprehensive, brand repositioning model that would address aspects of merging existing industry-established companies under one main, also previously-established brand.

I am aware that variations on models exist, and that these differ in varying degrees, depending on the industry, etc. I was hoping to acquire a planning / implememtation document, to begin mapping out the goals/objectives/ inputs/ processes and timelines required in a brand repositioning exercise.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The problem with generic templates is that they are not exactly right for everyone. I'd suggest you "roll your own" on this one. Figure out what the objective is, what the requirements are, and where you're starting from.

    You may want to do a SWOT analysis for each brand/company and then figure out what you want the future to look like brand-wise. Then you need to lay out the roadmap to get from here to there.

    If there is a template, it won't do much more than that for you. You're better off just doing it, not spending time looking for a template that will require you to do the same work anyway.
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted
    Not a template as such, but the steps outlined in David Taylor's book "Brand Vision" (ISBN 978-0-470-02835-3) should be useful!

    Good luck

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