
Topic: Branding

Visual Branding - How Can We Get Many Reactions

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
my colleague Tom is writing a book about 'Visual Branding' or why design is a competitive factor in business. He just started a website to discuss the key issues of the book before the book is published. The objective is to get many reactions (Any input you give that is regarded valuable might be earmarked on the site or even be used in the first edition of the book or later editions).

link to the site -->

What are your ideas about how we can get as much reactions on the website as possible?

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  • Posted by michael on Member
    The easiest thing is to give a signed copy to anyone (or set number of people) who offer feedback from the site.

  • Posted on Member
    Well first, we all know that Visual Branding is the art of visually stimulating a person's mind and intriguing them to interact or purchase from your brand. How many of us will interact or purchase from a site that looks like it was done by ammatures? If your site makes you look like you are working out of your garage, then a users perception will be just that.

    What kind of reactions are you looking for regarding your site? When going to the site the first thing I see is guys picture on the front. I think you can do more visually by incorporating some video of the same guy in the exact same spot. The website is not very visually stimulating. In my humble opinion, it seems almost to blah! If you are going to be addressing Visual Branding, I think your website should reflect that. Throw in some flash and some video and grab people's attention.

    That's just my 2 cents.

  • Posted on Author
    Obviously I was not clear with my question, but thanx for the first reactions! Your statement is obvious, though the tone of voice of your comment is not what I expected.

    My apologies to forget to say that the site is still in development.

    My question is: how can we get more traffic to the site and more reactions on the idea of 'visual branding' based on the first outlines of the book.


  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    You can define your target audience and pay a research company like Zoomerang to recruit and deliver as many qualified respondents as you want. Unless you plan to sub-segment your audience, 200 should be plenty.
  • Posted on Member
    You may want to send letters to invite qualified persons to visit the site and in return that you will send them a free book.

    They may include the following:
    - marketing professors
    - business consultancy firms
    - marketing managers/brand managers
    - business columnists
    - advertising companies
    - school chair, dean,
    - training services companies

    This way you can get intelligent responses to your website. You may also want to post a few questions that you would like to ask your readers or visitors to the website.

    By the way, you may want to put a picture of the cover book in the website home page instead of the person.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    First, the website must immediately answer the question, "Why should I care about what you're selling?"

    The home page (and even the About) is too much about Tom. I don't care about Tom unless Tom has the answers to MY challenges. Convince me that I have a challenge, tell me why I should trust Tom, and then I'll care.

    As for getting traffic, what's your target market? Small business? Startups? Corporate? Non-profit?

    Show before and after pictures. Show the ROI of using visual branding .
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the answers so far.

    The target of the site is: brand managers that are looking for a new model or way of talking about the additional value of design for their brand cq business. Every expert that is working in the field of branding and design.

    I am looking also for some blogs or experts, any suggestions which blogs would be interested?

    PS: the 3rd outline is posted today.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Your target audience is too broad. You need to narrow it in order to be most effective.

    Maybe you can go after just brand managers and experts in Northern China, or South Korea, or Ireland, or somewhere more narrowly restricted/defined. Or you can pick a few industries or product categories where you have particular expertise. Try automotive brands, or publishers, or something less than the whole universe.

    It's really hard to do a good job of communicating to an audience that's as broad as the one you describe. At least limit yourself to one continent, if possible.
  • Posted by steveg on Member
    In answer to your question directly: you may want to enlist some SEO/SEM expertise for the website. I googled 'visual branding' and your site came up mid-page two. If you are looking for reactions and participation on your need to drive your customer to it.

  • Posted on Author
    thanks everyone!

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