
Topic: Our Forum

...he Did It! Michael Goodman Breaks 100,000!

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Congratulations, Michael!

Thanks for your commitment to the MarketingProfs KHE community. Your presence and participation here has certainly helped a lot of people!

Anybody have any words they want to say to Michael? Here's your big chance.

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  • Posted by adammjw on Member
    Sincerest congrats Michael!
    Many a time I've been impressed with Michael's thoughts and ideas he's been sharing with forum-participants.
    Michael, pls keep on preaching marketing( and not only)wisdom amongst all of us.

    Cheers and all the best


    PS. No points, please.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Congratulations, Michael!

    Your help is much appreciated!

  • Posted by BlueSage on Accepted
    I like you MAG for many reasons.
    You are very intelligent
    You teach what you know
    You teach well, covering different aspects
    You never patronize anyone
    You answer the question asked
    You tell it in different ways than most others
    And you make me think it thru
    You are generous with your time and talent
    And you are always willing to help

  • Posted by CEO on Moderator
    Congratulations Michael
  • Posted by Ann H. on Moderator
    Sincere congrats, Michael! Clearly you are not getting by on your charm alone -- you have brains, too!

    ; )
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Oh my goodness. This is embarrassing.

    But I have an idea: Maybe I should give you my wife's email address and you can tell HER what a wonderful person I am. (LOL)

    On a serious note, thank you all for your very kind words. As you probably recognize, it's not as much about the points as it is about sharing experiences and helping people. And I know I've learned from every interaction.

    I am not really into celebrating milestones like this, but I do appreciate your comments and good wishes.

    Michael Goodman

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted

    This forum is a great resource, to share and share alike.

    Points only keep the accountants busy!

    Good on ya mate!

    Keep those answers coming!

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Congratulations Michael, I always enjoy reading your answers, and have been enjoying your seminars as well. Here's a word for you: WOOT!

    (I'm not totally sure what it means, but my young programmers use it when they think something is really cool)

    Best Wishes,

    XPRT Creative
  • Posted by jarcher on Accepted
    Congratulations, Michael. It is clear that you are a great resource and an asset to all of us. Thank you for all your assistance.

    Although I am fairly new to Marketingprof's, I hope to someday,have the knowledge & expertise to help people to the extent you have.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Congratulations Michael. I remember thinking nobody would ever catch Jett. Never say never.

    It is an amazing accomplishment and contribution.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    a Big Congratulations to Micheal.

    it has been a pleasure knowing you (virtually) and learning from your posts.

    when are you inviting us for celebration!!??!!

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Michael,

    while your efforts on Marketingprofs are more than one OUTSTANDING Feat I would still like to commend you for more than a dozen things besides crossing the 100,000 mark.

    THANKS Michael, for your extreme ability to be able to ( ( (( FOCUS )) ) ). As it takes great concentration which is the ability to keep ones mind narrowly centered on ones target without losing sight of all the other moving elements at the same time. Michael you're like a tennis player who has to focus her ability to concentrate on the ball all the while anticipating the side of the court her opponent is making plans to move to as she hits it at lightning speed across the court.

    THANKS Michael, for sharing your practical insights of intelligence that allow us all to glean off your amazing knowledge. Like the farmers of old used to leave some of their fruit in the field you leave us nourishing ideas that we pick fresh from your post and feed our hungry marketing minds.

    THANKS Michael, for your continued study in the things of Marketing as I know by listening to your answers that you are a *LLL---Life Long Learner.

    THANKS Michael for giving our visitors customized solutions to their problems. I can tell you provide your clients with more than a mediocre answer to their business challenges but you unselfishly choose to offer them solutions that will help them arrive at the end results they need to experience in order to be successful.

    THANKS Michael, for your kind generiosity and patience as you have not only helped our visitors but other marketers within our KHE Experts forum.

    Lastly Micheal THANKS for the wisdom you have accumulated over time because you have through diligence shown yourself worthy of thoughts other men fail to receive because they look for the short-cuts to the top...but because you continue down the narrow road sharpening and re-sharpening your saw...never giving in to the temptation to succumb to temporary solutions in exchange for the Long Term Solution that outlast all the other pretty but inferior answeres to the problem. Go ahead Michael...keep dreaming your dream. Go forward Michael and keep offering your clients the only answer..."The Door" of success! If there is anything I can do to assist you, any doors that I can open for you, any friends I can lead toward you or any way in which I can serve you whole heartedly and fully...know that I am here to serve you completly and with total exuberance.

    Your Friend and Servant, (for as long as it works for you)

    Lovingly Deremiah

  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted

    Well done, Michael. Congrats!

  • Posted on Accepted
    Micheal, I think i am barely two weeks old in the KHE and already i have been honored to partake of your wide expanse of wisdom and experience. You've been of immense help.
    It throughly is an honor to belong to a group where people of your caliber are members.
    I wish you better and greater achievements in life. The world needs more of you.


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