
Topic: Branding

Need Interactive Activities For Brand Meeting

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work at a Fortune 100 company that has just started a brand advocacy program. Our advocates are people who are committed to protecting our brands, but work outside the brand management group to help their business units make good brand decisons. We just started the program in February and have about 100 people involved. They have the passion, and they have a baseline level of understanding about how to protect the brand, but we need to educate them further.

In October we are conducting training to give them a better sense of what their role is, how important they are, and what tools are available to help them. To keep people engaged we would like to incorporate exercises or interactive activities they can do in small groups. I would really appreciate any suggestions or ideas of brand-related activities we can use - anything you've seen at a conference, or done at a seminar, etc.? Thanks!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    A fun branding exercise is to have groups of people attempt to match up a branding slogan or logo with the company (one such list is at: Likewise, provide a company name and ask the participants to draw the logo or provide the slogan.
    The third related activity is to name an industry, and have people attempt to provide as many slogans/logos they can remember.

    The point is to show how much certain logos and slogans stick, and why.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi amy

    some more interactive and creative ideas

    1. business of the brand: moderator names a brand, the participants will be tell the business the the brand is engaged in.

    2. create your own brand: participants will be divided into different groups to create new brands

    3. Name the brand: moderator tells the tagline, the participants tells the brand name of the tagline

    4. Name ofthe brand of the color: participants are shown the signature colors of different brands and they will name the brands

    5. Name the brand of the adverstisement: show the participants various advertisements (preferably TVC) without the brand name and ask the participants to name the brand whose advertisement was shown.

    hope this helps..


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