
Topic: Our Forum

We Appear To Be 20,000 Questions Old!

Posted by steven.alker on 1000 Points
Hi Everyone

A question posted by heinrich_martens entitled “Log Home Marketing Studies” appears to have been our 20,000th question. As the guy is a new member, why don’t we all pile in and give him a hand by way of celebration. I’ll award points here for all sensible answers or ask him to do it for me.

Please visit:

Well done, all 20,000 of you!

Steve Alker
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Hi, Steve!

    That ID number at the end of the URL isn't an accurate reflection of the number of KHE questions. If you use the Search Questions link, you'll see that we really have 19,391 in here. That's getting mighty close, though!

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Sorry, Gary!

    For what it's worth... I'm like you, I miss the good old KHE days when questions were interesting, threads were fun to read, and there was no mosquito-cloud of realtors seeking taglines.

    So, what remains... when we get to the "official" 20,000th question, what do we do to celebrate?
  • Posted by steven.alker on Author
    Hi Shelley, Hi Gary

    I’m sorry that I missed your original posting and what the hell if the new guy has closed the question – he was probably put off by some smart Alec telling him it was a historic question and encouraged by another wise guy offering all the answers!

    I think that I’m too young on the forum to remember the “Good Old Days” but I remember it fondly on CRMGuru (Now CustomerThink) where Bob Thompson and others would communicate in plain text and desperately try to decode the language of an emerging industry as it invented itself. I wish that there was a place still for more philosophical reflection. The answer you seek isn’t necessarily the answer you need or the answer you want to see.

    Shelly – pedant, party pooper or just accurate. All I suppose. My wife can’t tell jokes and as a consequence almost totally fails to understand the format. So when my children try to tell her one (The correct response is polite attention dissolving into reasonable levels of laughter) she pauses them, asking questions and probing the background, totally wrecking any emerging sense of timing. She unintentionally behaves like the spoiled, clever 10 year old at the junior party where dad has trained for weeks to do Magic Tricks. Sod the magic, she wants to spot the amateur sleight of hand and wreck it for everyone else.

    That’s not Shelly as I’ve grown to know him. I’m always one for pointing out the absurd, especially when it comes to numbering, given the supposed significance of some. I mean – 666 has been the number of the beast and boy look at the learned treatises, novels and conspiracy theories it has spawned. In Moscow, the post-Soviet residents petitioned to get bus route 666 changed, and change it they did to 626.

    Then a bunch of American, Hebrew and British scholars came up with the latest interpretation of the scriptures and guess what? Not only is Cholesterol good for you, but God meant 626 after all – it was never 666. Those Muscovites must be really pissed off!

    I’m all for accuracy – it’s not pedantry and handled like you do it it’s not party pooping. Let me put it my way. We celebrated 10,000 on 10,000 so we might as well celebrate 20,000 on 20,000. After all, we celebrate Christmas on 24th Dec when the real date was anything between November and April and we celebrate New Year’s Day on the first despite other’s doing it from the 28th to March 27th.

    All the best for now

  • Posted by steven.alker on Author
    Hi Everyone

    As the theme of this hasn’t taken off, at least it gives me an opportunity to award some points to some old pals and some very old pals – Juliet’s new to the forum, but I’ve known her for years, despite not having seen her for all of that time. She was at University with my wife!

    I think that Juliet’s idea is a good one – personally I’d like to open up the idea in advance in the hope that it catches on.

    I also like Marcus’ idea of a summary book. New scientist did it brilliantly by compiling their answers to bizarre questions into a best seller. The first was entitled “Does Anything Eat Wasps?” and the second is, “Why Don’t Penguins Feet Freeze” Both are best sellers!

    It least handing out points this way to a few pals is a bit more honest that an apparent scam which is going on elsewhere here. It would appear that these two characters called Iamveryfine and Gunjit have been accumulating points, posting trivial questions and then awarding all the points to each other and closing the question. So far Gunjit has amassed about 3625 points from swapping and Iamveryfine has amassed 2250, all from Gunjit. I can only guess that the ides was to carry on swapping until they overtook mgoodman and had something else to write of their CV’s along with cheating at homework!

    Randall alerted me to this potential scam, so I did some sleuthing – it looks as though some others might be involved as well. It’s a pity as Gunjit made a decent start.

    Thanks for your contributions and here are some nice points from your very own Gunjit Alker

    Yours sincerely


  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Didn't we have someone dubbed "The Consultant" try a similar points scam before? If I recall, we thumped his ears and sent him packing...
  • Posted by steven.alker on Author
    Well, I posted a note of disapproval on his last one. Even worse, I’ve just alerted Randall to my sleuthing, so the berks can expect a visit from 600 hairy bikers--------------!

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