
Topic: SEO/SEM

Cheap And Easy To Use Key Word Research Tools?

Posted by chilove88 on 250 Points
Hello all,

I'm a newbie marketing coordinator with no budget in a small company. I need to do get up to speed fast on effectively managing our PPC campaigns. We currently use Yahoo and Google and I'm considering adding MSN. I need to find something to help me find the best key words for our industry and targeted customers.

I used once briefly before, but found it a little clumsy to use.

Thanks so much!!!

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I'm assuming that you're using the keyword search tools that come with those PPC providers.

    Have you ever used

  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Keyword Discovery and Wordtracker are the two top ones. Nichebot is an option.
  • Posted by Shell Harris on Accepted
    There is no doubt that keyword discovery is an indispensable tool for us at Big Oak. You can try it for a month for only $69.95, which should be plenty of time for a project. WordTracker has the same type of limited time access for less money too.

    I have also used keyword elite with success but Keyword Discovery is the main tool we use.
  • Posted on Accepted

    I have an SEM firm, and as such, you can imagine that the right keyword tool is KEY for our success for our clients. That being said, we recently tested every tool we could find to see which one gave us the most accurate results.

    We tested the results against PPC impressions we had for particular keywords so we'd understand the relativity between keywords. HANDS DOWN the winner was Keyword Discovery.

    Also, if you're talking about keywords for PPC use, I'd also recommend AdGooRoo. If you're doing Google PPC, it allows you to see what keywords your competitors are using. Pretty cool, and if you're super concerned about competition, it's absolutely worth the investment. However, it can be pricey for some small firms. They have several packages available:

    Best wishes!

    Janet Driscoll Miller
    Search Mojo
  • Posted on Accepted
    What type of business and market do you serve? What are your Website goals? Sales, branding, visits, webcast, whitepaper download, attend an event etc… Are you a global company?

    I will try to answer your question from an overall perspective, however, not until I receive more details can I give you a complete answer tailored to your business and objectives.

    Cheap lends me to push you towards Google's free tools. As Google is the leader in search, following these trends will put you on the right path and provide you with a very well rounded view of consumer behavior online. Yahoo should be your secondary engine in your game plan, take the keywords that are optimal on your Google account and implement these into your YSM PPC. MSN can be added at a later date, but with limited resources it is best to allocate your dollars to Google and test the grounds to see which words are converting your visitors.

    If you have the budget, Wordtracker is affordable and can be used as a complimentary product alongside Google. KeywordDiscovery (expensive) is more for the power users and enterprises serving globally. This tool pulls from the largest database and is the most robust tool on the market, but Google can give you the results that you seek at no cost today.

    Viki Pierce

  • Posted by excellira on Accepted is another option for competitive "intelligence" (if you will). I haven't used so I can't vouch for it. Perhaps others have.

    Google AdWords Keyword Tool is helpful. I check it even after using WT or KD.

    I find Wordtracker easier to use than Keyword Discovery but the results aren't always very accurate. Particularly for competition and that can make or break a keyword. I don't like KD's interface. It's personal but I find it slow and difficult to use.

    -Greg Hill
    Trinity Search Engine Marketing
  • Posted on Accepted
    On the basis of competitive intelligence, can also be used to do some sleuthing. You can do a basic search under any domain for free, however, for more info. it will require you to purchase a subscription.

    Viki Pierce

  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    WebCEO offers a Keyword research tool with the free download of their free Search Optimization Software. You can download a free copy here:

    And here are a couple links to some other tools that may increase performance and save you money down the road.

    Ebook: Because Google's AdWords program is so popular, the competition is fierce. It has become difficult to find affordable keywords and it has become even more difficult to write ads that return a positive ROI (return on investment). Our new compendium Successful Advertising with Google AdWords shows you how to get new and targeted visitors while lowering your advertising costs. You can find the AdWords ebook here:


    AxROI (Axandra's Marketing ROI Optimizer) shows you which of your online ads and search engine rankings perform well and which are just a waste of time and money. You can find AxROI here:

    I hope these help you.

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted by Annelies on Accepted
    Good question! I have found recently Good keywords vs. 2.01. at
    My trick is to use more than one keywordtracker and compare.
    Good luck.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I am confused how you can have "no budget" but are doing PPC? PPC takes money... usually a fair amount of money.

    What is the goal for the keyword research tool? Do you need to find more words? Words that convert well for you? Are you looking for cheap words? Or do you want quality words that will convert well?

    The tool you should use depends on what you want to do.
  • Posted by chilove88 on Author
    Hi all,

    Thanks so much for your very helpful responses! You guys are the best!

  • Posted on Member
    This post talks about some useful keyword seo tools

    Keyword SEO Tools

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