
Topic: Our Forum

A Question Everyone Here Can Answer

Posted by Valerie Witt on 1000 Points
Hi all! I'm doing a little competitor analysis, and would love to include your perceptions. I would appreciate your answers to these questions:

1) Which marketing newsletters/Websites do you read regularly? And why?

2) Which marketing communities/networks do you belong to? And why?

I'm especially interested in understanding the qualities you appreciate about our competitors' services.

Also, I'm curious how deep your level of involvement is with them. Have you paid them for services - or given them your email address? Or do you visit anonymously when you're looking for something? Are you a subscriber? A forum participant? An infrequent visitor?

I will bring your comments to our management team at our annual meeting this week. Thanks for sharing!

To continue reading this question and the solution, sign up ... it's free!


  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Author
    This is great! Thanks, Jim.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi val,

    this is the only site i use, but i am just starting out on my marketing carrer so i will join other sites as needed. btu this site rules, it got me though mart 101.

    i subscribe to NZ Marketing Magazine, but it is the paper version. there website is

    hope this helps
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Val:


    Clickz - all their newsletters
    Michael Katz
    Jakob Nielsen
    Business 2.0
    Nick Usborne


    All the above plus
    Seth Godin


    Local Goups
    Grad school network
    Sigma Iota Epsilon

    Qualities you appreciate about our competitors' services:

    ClickZ is the best for Internet marketing - email, SEO, SEM etc.

    AMA sponser great webinars for free

    Level of involvement with them: I just read for free.

    Have you paid them for services - No, none

    Given them your email address? Yes, but usually a "disposable"

    Are you a subscriber? Yes

    A forum participant? My participatory time is spend here at the KHE, I have no time for anything else.

    An infrequent visitor? No, I visit them all regularly.

    I will ad that I am starting to use my RSS feed/newsreader more and more including for the MarketProfs site. For that news that I really want to read, I am finding this is the way to go.

    I hope that helps Val.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Val, Thanks for the great opportunity!

    Disclaimer ( all jokes in brackets are not a part of the views of Deremiah, *CPE or Marketing Profs. Viewer discretion is advised.)

    (Are you giving us 1000 points a piece for answering this question? :-) Just joking)

    Well here we go Val, I know you'll make it worth my while.


    Marketing Sherpa
    Harvard Business School
    Larry Chase
    Claude Hopkins
    Building Brands
    Brian Tracy
    Jim Rohn
    Michael Kimble
    Les Brown
    Leading Experts
    Hard to find Seminars
    CRM Guru
    Drew Eric Whitman
    Watch Dog Journal


    Nido Qubein
    Mark Victor Hansen
    Robert Stuberg
    and a few of the above



    Qualities you appreciate about our competitors' services: (They give me money, cars and free hotel accomendations.)

    Truthfully Hard to find seminars has great transcripts and audio features mp3 down loads. While Brian Tracy has amazing helpful short powerful emails on about four strong areas of interst for the business minded and I love it. If you need to know more of why I love it send me an email and I'll elaborate.

    Level of involvement with them: Purely a free education. Every now and then I order something that helps me to make mo money, mo money, mo money.

    Have you paid them for services: No (but I'm starting to feel guilty about getting all this stuff free and I'm thinking about joining the *NA = Newsletter Anonymous and go through a 10 step program).

    Given them your email address? Yes and even my mailing address. It's no biggie.

    Are you a subscriber? Yes

    A forum participant? I participate everywhere I go.
    (I use to be a fee agent but with Marketing Profs giving me that huge sign on bonus and a 5 million dollar contract, a new "KHE" Jersey with my name on the back I ain't goin' no where baby.)

    An infrequent visitor? Not hardly. I visit them all a few times a week to stay current and knowledgeable about latest trends, changes in technology and strategies. I guess you can say I'm a learnerholic or I'm Geek-N.

    Val thanks for letting me be involved and send me an email every now and then to say hello once every other day just isn't enough. Thanks Val. I hope this helps. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    As you know, I Am a member here. I also subsribe to Hugh MacFarlane's, Tim Pepper's, and Willina Arruda's newsletters. The content speaks for itself.

    I am a member of Spoke, LinkedIn and eLance.

    At elance, I pay about $75-$100 a month to bid on gigs. There are thoudsands of other members who pay much more than I do. Why do I pay? It is easily reimbursed through the project retainers. I'd rather pay MP or create my own job auction.

    I hope this helps!

  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    Hi Val:

    Newsletters and websites:
    larry chase's web digest
    Club de la Efectividad /

    Marketing communities:
    Club de la Efectividad /

    Why? Because they have updated information, related to my preferences, high level of Knowledge and participants, trends, continually development projects, confidence, service, quality, permanent interaction, the opportunity to serve and receive and develop business.


    Juan Carlos
  • Posted on Accepted
    For my business, Marketing Profs is it. I've subscribed and unsubscribed to most other newsletters listed by the other experts, but found I had no time for or interest in them and my inbox was continually bursting at the seams. I find that if I'm doing research or need more info on a particular query, I'd rather actively look for it online.

    Have a good one, Val.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Of the marketing sources, I am most active here. I am active with some small business ones (e.g. AmEx's Open) and some HR related ones (e.g. CiteHR, workforce management, etc.).

    I don't pay for any services anywhere - except being a member of American Marketing Association (which I am NOT renewing) and of Business Marketing Association (which I am renewing).

    I do look at other web sites from time to time, but none with enough regularity that I can even think of the names right now.

    E-newsletters. I get a few produict marketing/management related ones, such as 280Groups and I also am signed up for the email list, which is a list that mostly informs about events and jobs (not a newsletter of articles).

    Networks - ryze, orkut, and linkedin

    I think every site I have signed up with I enter an email address. I do someotimes use an email address which gets very heavily filtered for spam.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Geewillakers! It's tempting to check out all of the resources that members are using... I barely have enough time to follow up on those I already subscribe to, however.

    I like Sean d'Souza's psychotactics newsletter and website. I find myself going back to reread some of the free articles he posts. Well written, uncommon sense.

    I subscribe to e-news from The Darwin Observer ( It's about business innovation, not just marketing. Always interesting.

    I get Ralph Wilson's Web Marketing Today e-news, but I rarely read it.

    MarketingProfs is the only e-news I read diligently, and KHE is the first and only online forum in which I participate.

    I succumbed to LinkedIn, but I haven't really "worked it" yet. No feedback for you there.

    Good idea to post the question here, Val. A poll wouldn't have captured the depth of info, hmm?
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Val,

    Below are the ones that come to mind. I read them to stay informed. Can’t say I always make time to read but when I do it’s often to find something specific.

    Newsletters --
    Peppers Rogers
    SEO Today
    BtoB Online

    Web sites --
    All the above plus,
    Wired News

    Communities/Networks --
    KHE is the only one on any regular basis

    Fee membership
    Currently only AMA

    - Steve
  • Posted on Accepted

    Great articles, widest range of great topics, expert forum.
    Marketing Sherpa
    Good 'net-centric marketing coverage.
    Copy Writer's Round Table (JACKFORDE.COM)
    Good resource and topics for copy writing.
    Not relevant to marketing/design issues.


    Only KHE has what I'm interested in at this time.
    Not relevant to marketing issues


    ...and about four dozen others...

    Pay to play?

    Nope. The boss won't pay and I can't afford it. If payment is required, I move on.
  • Posted on Accepted
    SecondWind Network/Adstein - I am a paid member of this organization. As such, I have access to a community forum. Like this site, people will post questions looking for advice or resources. There is not a regular e-news, but there is a print version. I have a fairly high degree of involvement with this community.

    b2bonline - It's specific to my niche - B2B. I also receive the monthly print magazine - free.

    DMA - On occasion, I use the website for information. I receive e-news. I also receive a print magazine and other publications. I am a paid member of the organization.

    AMA -, AMA e-news, AMA Brand SIG group - I occasionally use the site. I am a paid member of the organization. I am going to be paying dues to join more SIG groups in the next week.

    Marketing Sherpa - love the case studies. When doing legwork for a project, I'll check the site. I am not a paid member. - BMA (Business Marketing Association) National website - When I need it, I'll go there for a whitepaper. I attend the annual conference and I'm the vice president of programming for my local chapter. I have a high degree of involvement with BMA because it most closely matches my niche needs and I feel a need to promote B2B marketing in my area.

    There are probably more, but I've overcommitted to reading. I tend to come here and go to SecondWind for a lot of information.

    Let me know if I can help any further.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I receive lots of email newsletters I don't read, mostly because they do not give me specific and detailed answers to problems I'm facing. This forum does provide good info. I'm enjoying focusing my energies on this forum, and I really don't have time for another.
  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Author
    Thanks, everyone! These responses were very helpful.

    Thinkmor, I like the t-shirt idea! We'll have to look into that. Sounds more affordable than Deremiah's idea for $5 mil contracts and KHE jerseys. :)

    We're looking at enhancing the services offered here in this forum and on the articles side of the site. Your feedback helps us prioritize these initiatives.

    Thanks again! And please do let me know any time you think of something that would improve your experience here.

    Best wishes,


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