
Topic: Our Forum

Any News On Telemoxie?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Has anyone heard how Dave Krehbiel is progressing? I was receiving occasional updates via the log his family was keeping, but have not heard anything for a couple of months.

I hope he is progressing and moving toward a full recovery!
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  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Gary

    You can get the latest updates about Dave Krehbiel on

    where you can ask for email notification

    Basically, he’s having a hard time due to the insufficiency of his insurance cover and his son, Steve is having to battle all the way to ensure that Dave gets the best treatment possible.

    It’s one of the few times that I thank God for our bruised and battered National Health Service in the UK.

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    I am sorry to say that this is the first time I'm hearing about what happened to Dave.

    I used to live in Maryland, and I've actually met Dave on a few occasions. To say that he is a genuine, spirited man would be to sell him short. He is truly one of the good guys.

    I just spoke with Dave in the hospital. It's one of those conversations where you really don't know what to say. I told him how I felt, which is that news of his accident brought a genuine tear to my eye, and that I hope he knows there are a lot of people in the world who care about him.

    Dave told me that he is moving to another room in a day or so, and he hopes to be home in about a month.

    He said the best way to stay in touch with him is to send his son (Steve) email. Steve's email address is skrehbiel1 at gmail dot com.

    I can't help but think, however, that a caring voice will trump a caring email any day of the week, so if you have the time and inclination, give Dave a call at Shady Grove Hospital. The phone number is (301) 279-6000, and his room is 2A17. (This is public information from the family's Web site, so I hope I am not crossing a line by posting what would otherwise be personal information.)

    I think our phone calls will amount to something.

    In the meantime, let's all keep good thoughts, wishes, and prayers for Dave. He deserves them.

    - Paul

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