
Topic: SEO/SEM

Looking For Title Tag And Description Tag Advice

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I updated the title tag and the description tag on my web page
How long does it take to reflect those changes when I search for my web site in the search engines? I still see the old title and the old description showing up when I search. Also, I get different description when searching for versus searching for primus networks. Why is that? What can I do to have the consistent title and description showing up in search engines?
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  • Posted on Member
    Give it a week or so although it totally depends on how often Google spiders your site.

    If you are seeing different titles when you search, Google may be taking your title from the Yahoo Directory or DMOZ. Are you in these?
  • Posted on Member
    on my case, it's take for about 5 days,

    if not working, you can try to remove a cached page on google, by adding meta in your header (for temporary only, let's say 2days, and then after 2 days, you must remove the meta code and let's google re-crawl your page).

    (please use no spacing)

    more support on uncache your page, you can follow this address on google webmaster tools

    i hope it's can help.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    It's not pulling the title/tag from the ODP. It appears that a number of your pages are indexed with "Get Started Today, Call 800-717-1604. Primus Networks. Home · Services · Support". I take it that, that was your old title/tag.

    If you just made the change it could take several days or many months. They are quicker than they used to be but if the site crawl frequency is low/slow then who knows. The SEs are now indexing sites in days but updates are slow - especially if the page content does not change frequently.

    I would not recommend that a client remove their most important page - their home page - from the index just to change the title & description tags. You're traveling on dangerous ground.

    I would be patient. If you made the change more than 3 months ago then that is a different story.

    -Greg Hill
    Trinity Search Engine Marketing
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Yahoo costs $299. DMOZ is free, but it can take time. Some editors are more responsive than others.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Also make sure you are consistent with your presentation. You begin your titles with Primus Networks for the home and services pages while on the other pages you have that last.
  • Posted on Member
    It looks like your site was indexed by Google on February 18. Below is a report about your website from the Website Grader Free SEO Tool. It shows a number of things you are doing right and wrong, and also shows you are not in Yahoo or DMOZ.

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