
Topic: SEO/SEM

What Do You Think About An Seo Comic For Linkbait

Posted by Shell Harris on 25 Points
We have created a SEO Comic, called Ranked Hard. We like it, heck, we love it and will be producing more monthly at least.

I'd like some feedback from "SEO people" as to what they think about it. Of course, we want to know do you like the style, the humor and so forth, but what about the idea of drawing traffic. Do you think it will? Are comics good linkbait? Maybe we'll try this for some of our client too, not sure.

Just looking for opinions, so please post comments on our site as well as here. See the comic:
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  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    At first, I thought...Wot the?!

    Clicked over, and ....

    well, its catchy!

    I think I like it. I'll be back for more. Two posts just isn't enough, but I admit, I feel a pull to come back.

    Keep going. The server stats will confirm it in time.

    Darcy Moen
  • Posted by Shell Harris on Author
    Their is no trojan horse virus in the links. They are perfectly normal links to a self hosted wordpress blog with a comic on it.

    Please, whoever accused this, send me an email shell @ and explain what you have seen so I may investigate this.

    I have written to Carroie (the editor) about this as well.

    I'm still looking for feedback.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    I am disturbed by the claim and the manner in which this post was closed.

    Shell Harris is a respected and helpful member of the Marketing Profs community (see his profile: and I feel that making this accusation and then not clarifying the claim does him considerable disservice.

    He's created a very innovative link building tool and I question the motives of someone in the SEO/SEM category who wishes to burn it.

    And, if the motives of the accuser are actually pure, then Shell should be provided the details of the claim in order to remedy any issue which may exist. It's only fair. After all, he's been here helping people.

    Please keep in mind that we are all here to build our brands. Not to use some cheap Trojan horse tactic to what benefit?

    I've interacted with Shell a number of times and he's exhibited nothing but class.

    And Shell, I love the comic. I wish I had thought of it.

    -Greg Hill
    Trinity Search Engine Marketing

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    HI Shell,

    I love it, that's brilliant, when can I buy the book - can't wait to see more?

    Sorry to hear about the Trojan Horse claim, something "fishy" is definitely going on with that and I think you have earned and deserve the right to a fair public trial here. If you find anything out let us know - please.

    I don't know much about using comics for linkbait but as your linkbaiting strategy here is clearly for good and healthy purposes (vs. malicious and evil) I think that in the SEO world, once it gets some exposure it should provide tremendous linking power.

  • Posted by Shell Harris on Author
    Thanks for the support Trinity and Pepper. Please check back every month for a new SEO comic.

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