
Topic: Branding

Which Appeals Most To A Consumer???

Posted by Anonymous on 175 Points
I plan to do study on consumer perception on National/designer, Private and Retail direct brands and which one appeals them more.

for instance
One of classification in fashion lexicon for branding, as follows:

National/Designer brands: brands sold through retailers ex: Macys, Nordstorm, Kohl's etc...
Private labels: Store exclusive brands like Chaps by Ralph Lauran for Kohl's or say Levi's Signature brand for Wal-Mart.
Retail Direct: Company owed brand stores like Zara, Mango, H&M, Brooks Brothers etc..

Some times it is common that a brand might use more than one of the above mentioned strategy, for instance Nike, Prada etc...

My target
Geographic area: USA
Demographic: 18-25 year old
Income level: Middle Class
Survey size: 200- 250
Time: 3 months

First of all do you think, this topic as a worthy research area?
if YES, how should I approach it?
Would be great if you could suggest any alteration in study OR give a new idea.

waiting for your replies....
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  • Posted on Author
    Thnx Steve and Bill for your opinion....Yah I too felt the same...its seems rather broad.....Would be great if you guys give me some suggestions on a topic that is worth working, open to any topic related to branding, because it interests me. But would love to work on branding topic from fashion perspective.

    Looking forward for your replies!!!
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    For your original question look at Brand Price Trade off. Different brands imply different worth to an individual and brand price trade-off exploits this by looking at choice preference as prices change. Companies use BPTO to manage categories and establish positioning within a category.

    You also have to be careful with fashion as with luxury goods, perceptions improve with price irrespective of difference in quality.

  • Posted on Member
    I think this would be a good survey I would just make it smaller!

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