
Topic: Branding

Brand Names & Company Title For Recreation Co

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are launching an organisation with Golf systems & Foot Reflexology as the stress busters + learning tools for:-

1. Educational (Kids) - Schools
2. Corporates
3. Individual Residential Owners + builders + reale state etc too
4. Flexible - Portable units for different locations (Misc)

Our USP has to be Health & Recreation with Sports.

Please suggest suitable BRAND NAMES for the above categories & a good Co. name.
Also plz advice some innovative tools for marketing & branding the concept.

(Eg-on name - ABC Sports Inc)

thanks & regards
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Destress To A T
    Defeet Stress
    Live Without Stress

  • Posted on Accepted
    Why would people buy your concept? There may be some branding pointers there. What needs would they be fulfilling? Branding pointers also available there.

    If the concept and product already exists, how do you plan to differentiate? That also may be a place to look for branding hooks.

    If your concept has high acceptability in an unfulfilled area, starting a club may be a great way to communicate and establish your brand. This could even be a virtual club with people participating by writing in with their problems and solutions that you bring them.

    Start a blog discussing the issue, invite and start interacting with your potential customers. From those discussions you will get hugely valuable pointers that answer both your questions.

    I sell reusable fabric bags all over the world off my website. See my blog at There isn’t any selling on the blog but it does bring me a community that helps our marketing enormously.

    Sure hope this helps. Good luck!

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    What does "Golf systems & Foot Reflexology" mean. Is this Golf the sport? And how does it relate to Foot Reflexology? I don't understand what you offer.

    GreenTee Sports

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