
Topic: Branding

Quick Brand Survey

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all (Except Jett because I know and value your opinion already).

I'd like to do a quick survey on a brand I am working on. Please DO NO research your answer I just want a snapshot from as many places as possible so I can back up what my gut is already telling me...

What country/state are you in?

Have you heard of the brand "Koala Blue"?
What do you know about it?

Have you heard of Olivia Newton John?
What do you know about her?

Is there an association between Olivia and "Koala Blue"?

Thank you all.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    USA / Maryland
    Name sounds familiar, can't place it
    Sure, Olivia Newton John is a great singer
    no idea about any connection
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Howdy, Michelle!
    Koala Blue is unfamiliar (antidepressants for Oz bears?).
    ONJ is familiar as a 70s pop icon, we still love seeing her as Sandy in Grease, and she's obviously an Australian export.

    - Shelley
  • Posted on Accepted
    Dear Michelle
    Ancona, Italy (but raised in Houston Texas [hey Shelley!])
    I've heard of Koala Blue--I even shopped there once I believe, but I'm not sure where (is it possible there was a Koala Blue in the Galleria?).
    Olivia Newton John was my childhood idol (along with Michelle Pfeiffer from Grease 2. Hey, I was just a kid!).
    ONJ was also the owner of Koala Blue after her unfortunate Let's Get Physical phase.

    So, spill the beans. Are you going to reopen the stores or use the brand for something else?
  • Posted on Accepted
    country/state: US/Indiana

    "Koala Blue": Haven't heard of it.

    Olivia Newton John: I know of her as the blond, blue eyed singer - mostly popular in the 70s and 80s. Grease. Saturday Night Fever. Kind of a squeaky clean, but perky image. Australian.

    Olivia and "Koala Blue": When I see both names I think Australia.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    dunedin new zealand

    "koala blue" is it a car polish? i have heard the name before but i cant palce it.

    Olivia Newton John is a singer

    hope this helps

  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    1) Arizona, USA

    2) Nope, don't know anything about Koala Blue.

    3) Olivia Newton-John: An Australian. She starred in Grease, Xanadu and several other movies. Pop star in the late 70's early 80's. Breast cancer survivor. Married some guy named Matt, younger than her. I think they divorced.

    4) No association between the two.

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Who saw "Nick and Jessica" last night! Can you belive she has never changed a dirty diaper?!?!!!

    Oh well, Nick had his shirt word...SUPER-DUPER!!!

    I mean I was like .................ummmmm........
    ......oops...wrong forum again......DAMN! ...

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    What country/state are you in? California/USA

    Have you heard of the brand "Koala Blue"? Yes
    What do you know about it? clothing from ONJ

    Have you heard of Olivia Newton John? Yes
    What do you know about her? singer/actress

    Is there an association between Olivia and "Koala Blue"? yes, I think she is behind Koala Blue
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi all,

    i spent the weekend thinking about this question. i stuck in my head. i was about to give up when my mum asked me to get some wine from the celler for her dinner party.i think i know what "Koala Blue" is it is a wine from ausie, and the image on the bottle was a koala. it said on the bottle that it was founded by Olivia Newton John and pat someone...... so i asked my mum what was going on with this bottle and she said she bought it when she went to aussie in 1994.

    so there you go

    THAT WILL BE 250 points please

    hope this helps


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