
Topic: Branding

Looking For A Theme For Pharma Products

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I have 2 major pharma products:

1. Azothrimycin ( Antibiotc oral) Features are, short duratioon of therapy (once a day for 3-5 days)and sweet taste for its suspension , so liked by the children
2. Flunisolide (Nasal Spray) Quick relief and economical are the 2 major USPs

I a looking for a nice theme for all my promo activties
i.e visual aid, Permanent detail aid, Drop cards)
Panaflex banner, skin printings etc

Any wild idea will really be appreciated
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    I would have to be able to see the packaging as is to determine where to take it.
  • Posted on Author
    I didnt get u?, u wud like to c wat?.......i mean pack out look of the above 2 products??????????
  • Posted on Author
    This realy nice to hear a detail strategy, thnx
    I m not planning to go for same theme for both products as i logically its not possible, becoz azithromycin is an antibiotic and flunisolide is a nasal spray for rhinitis
    One thing i wud like to know that u said for flunisolide use containers caontaining slime and u also used a word 'snot' cud u further explain it
    looking for further support
  • Posted on Author
    thank u, u have an awesome thinking machine........wewww
    However apart from this i wud like to have some inputs from ur side for my new launch...........hope u will assist me in this launch as well.... i hope so

    Well, i am abt to launch monxifloxacin a 4th generation advanced quinolone, tablets for indications of AECB, CAP and bronchitis majorly prescribed by the Chest physicians and general practitioners

    Thanks for taking interest;
    I am targeting chest physicians and General practitioners to prescribe Moxifloxacin having features like cost effective and high quality plus, once a day therapy for 5 days in comparison to other available options, i am not setting its price on lower side neither ceiling price in relation to the competition

    My positioning statement
    "A broad spectrum bactericidal agent that offers high quality and cost effectiveness"
    You can modify my positioning statement , i mean ur inputs wud be valuable.

    So in this regard i was asking for a nice theme which i will be using for the whole campaign inclusing the slogans and punch line messages

    These are the few slogans in my mind, but am not fully satisfied.........hope u will put some light on it...

    "Navigate the road to recovery"
    "New beginings wih Moxifloxacin to recover chest infections"
    "Breathe easier with moxifloxacin; a comprehensive way to recovery"

  • Posted on Author
    Apart from this I woud like to hear some ideas for the selection of gimmicks and giveaways.
    one u already have suggested i.e slime containers, thnx for that
    I need suggestions for 2 other products. i.e both of em r antibiotics and major prescribers are , general practitioners and chest specialists...i am looking forward for some innovative gifts that can be related to the product(gimmick) as well as of doctors use...kindly go for some innovative things....................
    waiting for stringent response...............thnx byz

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