
Topic: SEO/SEM

Need Training In Ppc

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I own a marketing company and I would like training in PPC. I have taken the lessons on the adwords site and completed all the quiz. Now I want some serious training in how to use all the reports so I become comfortable running my own campaign as well as future clients. Any ideas on the best way to achieve this would be appreciated.
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    PPC is something you have to play around with to fully understand. Reading about it is one thing but doing it is something else. PPC is about having good research skills -- if you can benchmark and are good at seeing gaps and opportunities then you will be good at PPC.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    I agree with Levon. Theory is great but there is absolutely nothing like an application to really "own" something. I would experiment with your own endeavors a bit.


    Greg Hill
    Trinity Search Engine Marketing
  • Posted by david.crankshaw on Accepted
    Although I agree with the other two responses - the only way to really learn is to do it - there are some good resources that I'd recommend.

    1. Andrew Goodman, writes the Traffick blog ( and published a book "Winning Results with Google Adwords".

    2. Perry Marshall - wrote the "Definitive Guide to Google Adwords" which has lots of "guerilla marketing" tactics for Adwords. You can find him at Warning, he markets his seminars strongly, but if you just get the book you'll learn a lot.

    3. Alan Rimm-Kaufman - runs an agency that provides search advertising services to the large catalog companies. Also writes a blog at Lots of interesting insights on bidding, keywords, and campaign management.

    Each of these three has a different perspective, but they all have a lot of experience and you can trust their observations.

    Good luck!

    David Crankshaw
  • Posted on Author
    Okay I bought the book and will read it this week

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