
Topic: Branding

Branding Vs. Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am launching a new B2B ecommerce division that will operate autonomously from the market identity side but will rely on the sister divisions on the supply chain side.

I have solicited bids from several agencies for branding and marketing support. The bids have come back and certain agencies that excel in branding charge more for branding. Certain agencies that excel in direct marking charge more for that service.

I don't have enough money to choose the best from each which brings me to my question: Which is more mission critical for success....branding to establish the new company's identity or direct marketing to attract hundreds of new customers to our e-storefront?
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  • Posted by adammjw on Accepted
    When I have to choose in such cases, I always say follow the money.
    Lead generation, qualification and conversion to sales gains the upper hand, especially in B2B markets.
    Branding is very important, indeed.However if you have a good offering and a great number of leads to follow and turn into sales then concentrate on where the money is.
    Then having generated the funds you can successfully build your brand.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    I agree with Adam - focus on the meat and potatoes first - get some initial revenue in then focus on the branding side.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I also agree. Particularly for B2B, where branding isn't as important as it is in the B2C world (IMHO).

    Along with this, you can use these first customers as beta customers. Get close to them and find out what they like, don't like, want changed, etc. about the site, so that you can improve.
  • Posted on Author
    I tend to agree with you when defining branding as a ongoing exercise. But in this case I am referring to branding start up - creating identity, company name, url/domain name, visual equities like logos & web page layouts, web site marketing collateral, etc., etc.
    I have bids for the above that range from $20,000 to $100,000.....the latter coming from the more brand oriented firms and includes some market research.
    With this information do you still stay pick from the low end less extensive approach and save the $$ for direct marketing?
  • Posted by adammjw on Member
    Start with the low-profile ABC things as far as visual identity is concerned.If you have customers who will buy from you you will have funds to get your entire branding process right the way you would like to have it.
  • Posted on Accepted
    As a businessman, I have to suggest you be practical. At this point you need sales and so direct marketing has to take precedence. In the process you can build your branding also. Adam makes a good point. Do the basics.

    But do take the time to sharply define and articulate for yourself who you are and what you stand for. Define your critical stakeholders and define what you’d like them to think of you. This doesn’t cost money.

    Then make sure every bit of communication you use, direct marketing included, clearly reflects what you’ve defined. Articulating that to your marketing team will in fact make it easier for them to plan an effective program for you.

    Remember, branding happens, whether you want it to or not.

    So even as you spend money on pulling in sales, your branding will take the form that you intend rather than pull in another direction.

    Sure hope this helps. All the best!

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