
Topic: SEO/SEM

Aesthetics Of Landing Page And Seo

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I would like to know how much important is the aesthetics of a landing page for search engines as far as SEO is concerned.Assuming that the landing page is optimized for the search engine robots, but the aesthetics is not good for the human visitor. What are the chances for such a landing page to get good position in the search engines.
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  • Posted by Annelies on Member
    An SEO rule is : don't make pages for SE's but for people. I prefer an article in a nice design before plain text. But if the content of the text is very well, the quality of the design is less important.

    That's my feeling ;-)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Aesthetics don't matter for SEO - it's all about the keywords. However, if your goal is to get a good position, even if you have the best copy in the world and wonderful graphics, without links to your site you won't get a good search rank/position.

    However, your ultimate goal is to sell to humans. So the artistic balance is to make it rank well for search engines AND enticing for your target market.
  • Posted by Annelies on Accepted
    I do not agree Jay, if you have a good ranking but your page is not good (content is most important, but design will play a role too) and people leave your page imediately, your ranking will drop down.
  • Posted by Lorenz Lammens on Accepted
    In my experience: the more professional the page looks, the better the conversion, providing the keyword phrase you bid on closely matches the content on the landing page. However, it is hard to argue about tastes - therefore it is important to test 2 versions of the same page and see which design (and layout) performs better in terms of conversion. This is called A/B testing, and creates a more objective measure than the personal taste of the Art Director.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Aesthetics, per se, do not matter to search engine spiders.

    Spiders view your Web site as if it were being viewed with a text browser such as Lynx.

    To see what your page looks like in Lynx, go here:

    You will need publishing rights to the page you want to view.

    I think you answered your own question in your question when you said, "Assuming that the landing page is optimized for the search engine robots..."

    If it's optimized, it's optimized.

    - Paul

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