
Topic: Branding

Product Identity Vs. Organization Identity

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am the editor of a magazine published by a charitable organization, and our organization is now re-working its logo and will have it approved very shortly. Other staff here feel that the organization's logo should appear on the magazine's letterhead, business card, etc. I agree that the magazine is a product of our org. and it should be identified as such, but instinct tells me that our product stationery should display the magazine logo, since that is what our readers and writers will recognize first -- it's what they paid to receive in the mail. The goal of a magazine editor is to create a virtual community among its readers, no matter where they are located, and I am worried that using the organization's logo first and foremost will confuse them and our brand won't be very strongly remembered. Our organization is a city-based organization and our readers are from across North America and they do not necessarily have any connection to the organization beyond the magazine. Before you answer, let me say that I *am* willing to indicate on the letterhead, etc., that the magazine is published by the organization, but I disagree that it's logo should be the most prominent. Any suggestions on what to do?
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  • Posted by tjh on Accepted
    Interesting responses from kwinters and visualwords.

    Diluting the magazine's brand, and diverting attention from it and it's contents will ultimately damange readership and subscriptions.

    On the other hand, the non-profit would like to increase their exposure, rightly so.

    Has the organization expressed why they want to make this move?

    Aside from the obvious, are they having fund-raising problems or some other issue that can be addressed in additional ways besides the logo-swap? (I know you didn't imply it was a swap, but may look like it to some readers.)

    These are somewhat rhetorical questions:

    Does the org derive any benefit from the out-of-city readers?

    Is it likely that they could derive some benefit?

    Do they view the national audience as "nice to have", but non-essential to their mission?

    Does the mag produce profits to the org via advertising etc?

    It's easy to say that one should push the new logo up front. It's also easy to say that's brand dilution.

    The answer really depends on the Purposes involved (the org's and the mag's), and the needs of the owners...
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You know, I feel compelled to reply to this answer only to confirm the your intuition and kwinter's advice is DEAD-ON.

    Maintain the magazine's brand equity, BUT BE SURE to take advantage of the magazine's popularity in order to advertise and promote your organization.

    Again, this more of a confirmation that you are on the right track.

    Please do not give me any points, the others earned it!

    Great advice everyone!

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