
Topic: SEO/SEM

Looking For Ways To Optimize A Clients Website

Posted by heidibisbee on 250 Points
I have a client in the mortgage business, who wants to gain more business through his website. I'm just getting into website development, and would like to know more about how to optimize a website so that it comes up nearer to the top on a search engine. I sub out most of my work, but I would love to gain more knowledge in this matter as it seems to be a popular topic. Any ideas?

Heidi Bisbee
Bizzybee Marketing
Bowling Green, OH
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    SEO, PPC, Content Creation (Video Posting, Blogging, Article Creation) are all traffic generating techniques used by Internet Marketers.
  • Posted on Accepted
    there are two ways to optimize: On page optimization and off page optimization. On page optimization has been discussed a lot. I'm focussing more on off page optimization.

    What I can suggest is write few articles and submit to article submission directory and then convert it into PR and then submit to PR submission sites. then create a blog entry and then create a Squidoo page. You can also convert an article into 5 minute video with video and then submit to video sites. Also submit audio to podcasting site.

    I call this re-purposing content on steroids!
    I do provide this service for other clients. You can contact me at [Email address and URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    You might want to sign up with as an excellent SEO learning course resource.

    Here's a free tool and course:

    There is a software package available that will help you analyze your web site and give you extensive recommendations, as well as help you track your sites progress or egress. Click here to check out the software:

    Here are links to some free ebooks that you will find VERY educational.

    Free ebook report 1:

    Fee ebook report 2:

    is a free ebook entitled 'How to get high quality in-bound links' and here is the link to download it:

    You could also buy Traffic Blazer SEO support here:

    Hope this helps you, and others.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Start with "Search Engine Optimization For Dummies" to get some rudiments. Getting a top position for a popular search term takes time, patience, and some clever thinking. However, your client doesn't need to be #1 on the internet for searches worldwide, just in their region. Therefore, start by getting them listed in Google Maps (

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