
Topic: Our Forum

Khe Survey

Posted by Anonymous on 2000 Points
Building on the thread of 'Who is your favorite KHE Expert and Why,' I am expanding the scope of the question....

I want to ferret out the different qualities experienced by the KHE in the contributors....

Once this survey is complete, I will post the results for all to see (an provide valuable feedback for each person who is mentioned to digest)......

1) Who provides the most practical answers and why?

2) Who answers in the most 'User friendly' way on the KHE?

3) Who do you think has the broadest base of 'useful' knowledge and why?

4) Who is the best specialist in:

a - Advertising/PR
b - Branding
c - Career/Training
d - Copywriting
e - Customer Behavior
f - Email Marketing
g- Stragey
h - Metrics/ROI
I - Student Ques.

5) If you had to hire a KHE participant to help you, who would you be interested in and why? (For what Job? you can decide the job that you would use, just please tell it)

6) Who would you rank as the 'wisest' person on the KHE? (not neccesarily the most knowledgeable)

7) Who would you rank as the most 'humble' person on the KHE?

8) Who is your favorite expert? Why?

9) What are the qualities that you dislike the most in an answer? (who provides these?)

10) What are the qualities that you like most in an answer? (Who provides these?)

This in not 'Expert' exclusive...I am asking for all members of the KHE to chime in.....

I know I've asked for some 'thinking' answers, so I will offer points to make it worth your time....
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Kevin, you should consider asking Val to move this question to the About Our Forum category. That way it will stay visible on the Main page instead of dropping off when new questions elbow in. :)

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    On how to work on screen, you can always cut and paste. Highlight the original question, hit CTRL-C (for Windows computers), go to your answer box, and hit CTRL-V. I do this from time to time on the more complex questions.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Hey, Kevin, maybe you should craft a Zoomerang survey. Then just post a link to it in your KHE question.

    Are you doing this out of curiosity? I'm just not sure how adding a new way to "rank" experts is useful to the community as a whole...
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    1) Who provides the most practical answers and why?

    Several people. Primarily Jim, Marcus, Andrew, Jerry, and myself. Why? Because we try to address the actual question without too much jargon, rather than flexing our marketing vocab and/or flying off on different tangents.

    2) Who answers in the most 'User friendly' way on the KHE?

    See above. I think of "user friendly" as synonymous with "practical".

    3) Who do you think has the broadest base of 'useful' knowledge and why?

    Again, several people. Most of whom are listed above. Why? Because we tend to prove it.

    4) Who is the best specialist in:

    a - Advertising/PR - Amanda Vega, Andrew
    b - Branding - Jerry, Jett
    c - Career/Training - Jim, Shelley
    d - Copywriting - Frances, Michele
    e - Customer Behavior - Most of us
    f - Email Marketing - Tim, Amanda, Gary
    g- Stragey - Most of us
    h - Metrics/ROI - Andrew Scaife, Jerry
    I - Student Ques. - All of us.

    5) If you had to hire a KHE participant to help you, who would you be interested in and why? (For what Job? you can decide the job that you would use, just please tell it)

    I have sub-contracted 70% of the top 25 for various projects based on their specialty.

    6) Who would you rank as the 'wisest' person on the KHE? (not neccesarily the most knowledgeable)

    If I had to pick would be a coin toss between Jim and Marcus. But again, I think many of us possess a certain level of "wisdom".

    7) Who would you rank as the most 'humble' person on the KHE?

    Nobody. We all have our ego-centric quirks. I have seen every "expert", lash out in some kind of fashion that could be perceived as conceit.

    8) Who is your favorite expert? Why?

    Jim. See the other question you mentioned.

    9) What are the qualities that you dislike the most in an answer? (who provides these?)

    Not answering the question and/or telling the person what they "should" have asked.

    10) What are the qualities that you like most in an answer? (Who provides these?)

    Practicality, competence, and relavence.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Kwinters, (you're the greatest)

    1) Who provides the most practical answers and why?

    As a general rule whenever I read Jbtron's, Jett's, Mbarbers, Jim and Kwinters answers they seem to all have a pretty good practical approach.

    2) Who answers in the most 'User friendly' way on the KHE?

    I think Jbtron does.

    3) Who do you think has the broadest base of 'useful' knowledge and why?

    It appears a toss up between Jim and Jett based on the answers they give but I would really like to do an IQ and EQ test on them both to resolve the tie. As they say in marketing test it, test it, test it.

    4) Who is the best specialist in:

    a - Advertising/PR
    b - Branding>>>>>>>>>>>>>>JBtron
    c - Career/Training
    d - Copywriting
    e - Customer Behavior>>>>>>>>Pepper Blue
    f - Email Marketing
    g- Strategy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jett
    h - Metrics/ROI
    I - Student Ques.>>>>>>>>>>>Jett

    Having only participated in the forum for about three weeks I don't have enough knowlege to answer this one completely.

    5) If you had to hire a KHE participant to help you, who would you be interested in and why? (For what Job? you can decide the job that you would use, just please tell it)

    It would be Jbtron (Branding), Pepper Blue (creating customer loyalty), Jett (To help me reach culturally diverse markets) and Kwinters (to work with me proofing a book).

    6) Who would you rank as the 'wisest' person on the KHE? (not neccesarily the most knowledgeable)

    GOD (now watch somebody try to bump him into second)

    7) Who would you rank as the most 'humble' person on the KHE?

    From what I've seen Michelle.

    8) Who is your favorite expert? Why?

    King Winters I just truly enjoy your overall contribution and participation.

    9) What are the qualities that you dislike the most in an answer? (who provides these?)

    When the answer is short and harsh even a good response loses it's value.

    10) What are the qualities that you like most in an answer? (Who provides these?)

    When the answer comes across with good thought, content and is well spoken. Especially when you know the expert is sharing from their heart and life experience.

    Is there anything else I can do for you Kwinters?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Kevin, I had trouble singling out people for each of your questions. I tried, really I did. And I wanted to "find" spots to place some of my favorite experts (ChrisB, aosterday, JBtron, Jett), but I wimped out.

    1) Michele and Jim Deveau provide the most practical answers... because they can't help it, I guess.

    2) Marcus (mbarber) and Gary (Vevolution) answer in the most 'User friendly' way... great advice, clear thinking, and their personalities and graciousness are revealed in the way they communicate.

    3) Jim Deveau has demonstrated several hundred times that he has the broadest base of 'useful' knowledge. I slurp up what he writes.

    4) Tim Pepper is obviously Da Best in email marketing. As for the other categories, I won't try to crown experts, partly because the definitions are too fuzzy for askers to post questions in the "right" place.

    5) If I had to hire a KHE participant... I would be interested in Gerardo because he knows the cellular market, and my company's product works on cell phones and the Internet. (Too bad he's not for hire!) He has also demonstrated his marketing genius and experience on the forum... way back when he had time to participate more. ;]

    6) Lately it seems that Val is the 'wisest' person on the KHE. She has artfully handled some complicated and unpleasant messes here, and she shows grace and integrity in all of her communications. Good qualities for a moderator!

    7) Kevin (kwinters) and Gary (Vevolution) are the most 'humble' experts because they not only provide frequent responses, they use their own experiences in their answers.

    8) Marcus is my favorite expert. He drives a nice car and cooks a mean lasagna.

    9) I dislike answers that simply repeat what others have already responded. It's okay to say "I agree with so-and-so's point about..." to reinforce something, but to respond as if you haven't read the thread at all seems like laziness. (I can't attribute that behavior to any particular member, though.) Also, I do enjoy and appreciate responses that contradict other experts, but NOT when they're venomous.

    10) I like answers that are original, creative, and clearly written. Who does this? See the list to your right.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted

    for 2000 point i will give it ago let see:

    1)i think Jbtron's, Jett's, Mbarbers,Pepper Blue and The Consultant (but i havent seen anything form him lately, has he left the website?)answers are good. They seem to all have way of putting it so i can understand.

    2) the most User friendly hummm that is a hard one, because most people are good at providing enough info and help. But if I have to chose I will say Deremiah, *CPE

    3) jett and the consultant

    4) A-
    B- JBtron
    E- Pepper Blue
    G- Jett, quite a few people would fit in this slot nicely
    I- Jett

    5) I have NO idea, if I was in charge……… god help the world

    6) the person how came up with the idea for this forum

    7) ME!!!!!!!!! of course

    8) it is a tie between so many people: jett, jbthon, mbarber, jim deveau/Catalyst, pepper blue, Sharon (research), aosterday, peter (helpUhire), telemoxie, cal, just to name a few

    9) when they are harsh, or the answer is very very long eg two or more screens (but they are useful, I am just lazy and cant be bothered reading the thing properly, I think it has some thing to do with tv )

    10) the answer is useful, easy to read, the right length not to long but not to short either.

    hope this helps

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member

    What are your answers?

    Also, why did you ask this question? What are you hoping to achieve?

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    It's important to remember the current "experts" were selected by the website visitors...the bread and butter of the website.

    Speaking of, there are around 10,000 KHE members, and around 2500 questions that have been asked.

    Now, the opinions of 6-10 people can hardly override those stats. If a whole political party cannot get the President of the US out of office (not that I want him out), why should a few people who disagree be able to vote someone out of a rank? Especially since almost everyone states they cannot single out a particular person for certain categories...and/or they state they are not qualified to select "experts" for other areas.

    MP has done their best to calclate the ranking as objective as possible. There are several different variables, categories etc. Since the experts are selected by the USERS of this site, my suggestion for anyone who wants to change the order of experts to post higher quality answers that people enjoy/find useful. Until then, just deal with it.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    your question has not bothered me. As Jett says this is a free forum and what ever question that moves you should be asked. At the same time we can not be emotionally moved in the negative by any participants who may be bothered by our questions. We ask what we ask because of our need to know. But we also must remember the participants have the freedom to express their opinions because this is a free forum. What I remind myself constantly is that "freedom does not come without responsibility" and that at least keeps me grounded as to what response is necessary on my part. I hope this helps. Is there anything else I can do for you kwinters?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Yeah, the ratios may help if they don't count multiple responses and replies to your own questions...which I think they do. This skews the results. So much so that I bet my "ratio" would go up 15%-20% or more.

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