
Topic: Branding

Help With New Uk Website Branding

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello from across the pond.

I'm working on the branding for a new equine website (selling horse equipment from rugs to supplements, rider clothing etc). We have a logo which emphasis the almost obligatory horseshoe and are looking for a tag line to be used widely in our marketing, be it in print, email, online buttons/banners etc.

Research from existing offerings suggest price, service and choice are what the British consumer wants, and the demographics are typically reasonably affluent women in the 18-50 bracket. Nothing unique I'm afraid.

I've been looking at the synergy between women and shopping but haven't come up with anything that has bowled me over.

I was wondering whether there are any inspirations from the land that will host my holiday next week!!!!

Many thanks in advance.

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  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    Equine Accessories for Discerning Women
    Equine Equipment for the Discerning Horse Enthusiast
    The Place to Shop for Enthusiastic Horse Owners
    Your Horse May Not Be Discerning, But We Know You Are
    The Discerning Woman's Online Shop For Equine Needs

    Hope this helps,

  • Posted by ilan on Member
    I must question the quest for a unique tag line under the "almost obligatory" horse shoe...
    If you are as good a brander, as you are a writer, I must assume that you are familiar with the notion of differentiation in branding.
    That said, I would not separate the logo work from the tag line assignment, and try to make them work in tandem.
    Otherwise, why would you have an obligatory horse shoe, and a tag line that points to slightly different desires.
    It will be fantastic if you can point us all to the logo design anyway.
    Cheers, from a branding expert in Chicago who loves horses.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    What land are you referring to? MarketingProfs is a global forum. Marketing is universal. However, if you are referring to the U.S. -- the Equestrian market is very competitive here and you could learn a lot by looking at what is going on competitively. Longtail (niche operators like Amazon) do better on the internet. It seems you are on the right track with regards to women equestrian gear. If you can find a niche item – like a one of a kind pair of chaps or special grade of saddle of horse blanket – that can not be found anywhere else – plus lends it’s self to low returns due to being an accessory rather than a fitted item like a boot or sized piece of clothing -- then I think you will seriously make headway.
  • Posted by kevin.shoesmith on Accepted
    Although I agree with ilan's response, here are a few suggestions that are short, catchy and might appeal to a predominantly female target market because of their desire to fulfill all shopping needs in one spot:

    Your Everything Horse Source
    The Only Horse Source You'll Need
    Everything Horses ... and more!
    Everything Horses is Here
    If It's for Horses, It's Here!
  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    I agree with Ilan. Developing a tagline should be done with consideration of the logo, and even more importantly, the brand.

    The tagline should be a reflection of your brand, which is your promise to anyone interacting with your brand (customers, partners, etc.). It's who you are to the world. What differentiates your brand? What's the tone of your website and communications? Is it lighthearted? Is it focused on hobbyists/enthusiasts -- something for the true equine "geek"? Is it formal or fancy - focusing on the best of the best quality?

    Even without narrowing your customer market, you can do some exercises to understand your own brand. One that I like is to describe your brand as if it was a person. What would it look like, sound like, etc? I've also used flash cards with either adjectives on them, or pictures. I'll have someone respond "yes" or "no" to the card -- whether it describes the brand or not.

    Once you have the brand personality down pat, you can develop a tagline that embodies it. Sorry if this long answer isn't what you're looking for. But there are many taglines that could work for you -- I'd imagine Kevin's would be great if you are all about offering variety. If you're going with the "equine enthusiast" brand, you might try something like, "If you know horses, you know (company name)". If you want something that captures the spirit of horse riding, maybe "For the love of the wild"... etc.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: Instead of an "obligatory" horseshoe, create a logo showing a horse+rider in motion. Riders want to spend more time riding, not shoeing.)

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