
Topic: SEO/SEM


Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points

I am currently looking into SEO options for our website and the general feeling from every SEO company i have spoken to is GET BLOGGING.
As we are a fashion website and gain a lot of press coverage and celebrities are wearing our clothes on a regular basis. would anyone have any ideas where we should start blogging?

Can we blog on magazine site of which we have appeared in?

Would a more social envoironment be better to start in?

does anyone have any examples of good blogs to write in??

All and any help would be appreciated.


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  • Posted by rrouleau on Accepted
    Hi Brad,
    My company is similar...I own a skin care company with celeb users and we get written up in a lot of magazines. We are starting a blog in January and by having our own blog, we will increase a lot of traffic to our site because of how much search engines love blogs. But our focus is to be very educational. Skin tips etc...which other bloggers will use that info from our blog on theirs and that's how we'll get a lot of exposure. Remember, it's all about GOOD content. So other bloggers don't really care what magazines you are in, but they want to hear your take on fashion and what your line brings to the table. But celebs wearing your line is good content, as long as you have images to submit which you probably do.
    Also, you may want to reach out to
    They have a site in Dallas and in NY and are launching LA in the spring. If you have a publicist, have them pitch to them. Also check out
    Your first goal is to start your own blog, contribute to it often with good info. That's basically your resume for being a good blogger. When people see your blog and like it, then this gives you credibility to blog on other sites. Hope this helps!
  • Posted by nat.colley on Accepted
    Hi Brad.

    First, where (or what platform), while definitely not irrelevant, is not the most important thing. What is important is that you have useful, relevant, and interesting content for the traffic / customers you want to receive.

    That said, it is ok to use a free service like blogger (aka blogspot) or to start. That's where I am, but it is also clear I am soon going to have to move to a more flexible platform with more features and service. But the good thing about either of these (I feel comfortable recommending these two, but not any others) is that you can learn a lot about what you want when you are ready to move to a paid platform.

    As for social sites, it is not either/or but both/and. Check out this link:

    For example, if you are on linkedin you can port your blog so it shows up on your linkedin profile page.

    As for your magazine site, if they'll let you, yes! But again, content, relevance, quality, and you'll be fine.
  • Posted by Krista on Accepted
    Hi Brad:
    The first rule of blogging is to offer great content to your users. Whenever I work with clients, I ask them this question - WHO are you writing for? WHO are you blogging for?

    No matter what medium (blog or non-blog), you have to know your core audience first. Then you work on what these people would like to know. The easy way is of course to ask them. Ask or survey your customers (if face to face is not possible, try using a free account at

    It's not only limited to your customers, try non-customers or friends or family. What would they like to read in a blog especially one from your industry?

    The key is to prevent from becoming like 99% of the blogs out there - insipid, boring, churning the same old same old content.

    If you are in the fashion business, talk about upcoming fashion, how to wear certain 'difficult' or strong pieces, how to look like a certain celeb or why a certain celeb can carry a particular look. Talk about stuff which your customers keep asking for.... tips maybe. But specific tips. Talk about the celeb's fashion style. Why it suits her?

    You can use Wordpress or Blogger but I have used both (still using both) and I like Wordpress more due to the stuff you can add on. Blogger is good for a start.

    Whichever blog system you use, make sure it is easy for you or your staff to use. And remember to import them as Notes if you are on Facebook! Your blog entries can be imported easily into Facebook each time you update your blog.

  • Posted by excellira on Member
    A blog is not the only option but it is a good one.

    If you do start blogging don't use a shared platform. Any marketing "equity" you build will be lost when you switch to your own platform. You'll be starting all over again.

    Also, plan your content carefully before you implement your system.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    One great thing to blog about is the process you went through to create a certain item or a show you produced or prepared for.

    Provide obstacles you overcame and the outcome. Stories sell. Adversity is something people can relate to. You still need to appear competent and professional, so don't over do it.

    Where to blog? On your own blog of course, but anytime you can publish content on other sites will help you to extend your reach and exposure your business to new contacts. Work your connections.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all your help


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