
Topic: Branding

Name And Strategy For A New Marketing Agency

Posted by moher86 on 250 Points
Hello everyone!
Thanks for your help.
My coworker and I are about to start a new small marketing agency in El Salvador that will specialize in creating branding and e-marketing strategies for touristic sites such as restaurants, hotels, beaches, cities, etc.
Our idea is to help small and medium size companies in the tourism line, so they can get much more tourist and increase their incomes.
We really would like your advice over the name of our agency because we want to appeal both english and spanish speaking people.

What we need is:

* A really catchy name that is available online.
* A strategy that will help us penetrate the market.
* Your advice in how we should charge: hour, day,
commission, fee?

Thank you so much for your help
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Penetrate the market with the exact kind of marketing services you will be offering. Offer something unique in marketing and dominate the internet in El Savador for Marketing.
  • Posted by moher86 on Author
    Thank you very much for your comment.
    I realy would like to know, how can I charge as a consultant? Can you help me with that
  • Posted by moher86 on Author
    Thank you for participating!

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