
Topic: Branding

How Do You Pick A Powerful Name?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Trying to pick a multi branding name for a service that is for client and consumer marketing
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Well, there is not exactly a "how". Rather a matter of "who" has the talent to brand your company appropriately.

    Are there certain creative steps in the process? Sure! Bu the key word is "creative". One has to possess the abilities to associate not only names, but colors and shapes with emotions and perceptions about your specific brand.

    I would be more than happy to propose my services. Please send me an email (just click on my name).

    I hope this helps!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Thinkmor and JBtron are on the right track. Naming is clearly more art than science.

    There are 5 basic approaches to naming: nonsense name (Kodak, Xerox), person or place (Johnson & Johnson, Korean Air Lines), benefit-suggestive (Federal Express, Mr. Clean), literal (General Motors), and acronym/abbreviation (IBM, UPS). (Some names are combinations, of course.)

    If you have a limited budget, you want your brand name to work hard for you, so you probably want something that's benefit suggestive. That way you get to reinforce your positioning when you say the name.

    Now, as for how to do that, you can hire a professional, or you can try it yourself. If you decide to try it yourself, I would recommend some "ideation" software like IdeaFisher. I've used the software for years and it's really been helpful. Whether I'd have done better hiring a naming "expert" is still open to debate. We'll never know.

    If there's a headline statement, though, it's that you have to start with a very tight Positioning Statement, then repeat it to yourself often enough that it's part of your brain. If you want to discuss Positioning, contact me directly. That's what I do.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    you offer great advice. Read your profile and if you could fill it out including your email address I would consider talking with you. Is there anything I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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