
Topic: SEO/SEM

How Should I Optimize Seo For My New Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear Friends

I Have created a website based on Nameology a concept developed by my company. Nameology is basicallly based on Astro-Numero principals. I my self i a great beneficiary of this concept and i wanted every body to be benefited from the same.
Now I wanted to know how can i maximise SEO/SEM as my main target for the website is that there should be maximum people from all over the world benefiting from this concept
my website is nameologyonline com '
I would be great ful if you can guide me


Vikas Bhurat Jain
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  • Posted by SEM and Interactive on Member

    I am not sure that I understand your question. I would be more than glad to help, but I guess I would need to to clarify your question.


  • Posted on Author
    Dear Mr Robert

    I have started a new website nameologyonline dot com
    Now i want my website to garner traffic from all over the world
    so what is the best possible way for me to do SOE since maximum traffic comes from search engines=
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    People aren't searching for nameology. They are searching for solutions to problems that they are having. Identify the problems you solve and for who...then you can figure out what ways these people search for the answers to their problems.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Vikasbhurat,

    Nameology? Although I've never heard of it, it seems that every month, 2,900 souls search for it on Google. Whodathunkit?

    But what pulls in even bigger numbers in terms of searchers (and therefore potential buyers) are astrology and numerology. And it's from this station that your gravy train will depart.

    Google those terms and include the words "affiliate program" and you'll be stunned at how many opportunities there are.

    So, SEO from there and you'll be on firmer ground.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted on Member
    Hi Vikas,

    seo can be complicated. It first starts with how you design your website to be crawled by websites. Secondly its the content you offer. At we recently released a whitepaper about optimizing seo in might give you some ideas. You can download it on the website under resources/whitepapers.

    I would also recommend that you use the google keyword tool to look at different keywords and see what your competition is.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your replies

    I know nameology is a different concept it is a simplified concept based on Astrology-Numerology principals and general public can understand it

    But i must say its a very powerful concept and i am working really hard to make it a popular one


    Vikas Bhurat Jain
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Vikas Bhurat Jain

    Your website "" is really excellent and unbelievable

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Vikas,

    I think you should do the same thing which you are doing here. This is a concept which can be marketed very well through SMM (Social Media Marketing) as u did here.

    You asked the query and definitely some of the persons will go through your website. You should apply this in full fledged with social networking site because some or say most of the sections of your site are relevant for that audience.

    For example- Love section may be promoted in friendship sites, other sections are also good enough to be promoted on these forums.

    So I will say SMM is the best solution. SEO, SME are good options but very basic as these are for search engines only. You need to aggressively promote your site as it has that flavor which require lots of attention. That attention can be gathered from Social networking only.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    This question is too broad to be answered properly though I do have some suggestions.

    1. From a branding perspective carving out a new category can be a good strategy. This doesn't translate well to the web because the search volume on a new category will be weak or nonexistent. If you have the resources to promote the site/service via traditional channels then this is less of an issue. You will create the online demand for the category.

    Optimizing for more commonly known terms will be what drives search traffic until your nameology term becomes popular.

    2. How to market the site?
    A. SEO
    B. SEA
    C. Email
    D. Affiliate Campaign
    E. Cross-promotion
    F. Viral marketing
    G. Social Media
    H. Blogging
    I. Etc, etc.

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Vivek & excellira for your response

    I am trying to generate enough traffic to my website but i still fell that the search engines are the best medium to derive large volume of traffic

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