
Topic: Branding

Who Was The First Brand Manager In The World?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi deepa_joe,

    good question. are you looking for the firstly person how had the job title as "Brand Manager"?

    if you are i dont think that anyone would know, unless the invested some serious time in to finding it out.

    but i googled your question and found some REALLY good branding sites

    i agree with pkemper, cavemen were the first to brand stuff. but if you are looking for the name of the person how was the first band manager i would look around for information about the industrial revolution. i would assume that it might would be a American company like "Coke" or ""Dr Pepper", or something like a Newspaper

    here is a link to a good site about the history of brands:

    Hope this helps you

    Have a nice day


  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    Welcome to KHE! I invite you to fill out your customer profile it makes it easy for us to understand a little bit about you. For example until people read my customer profile some had trouble vibing off of the answers I gave.

    Sweetasmano1 question is valuable to the quality of the answer you want. We can answer the question but the quality of our expert advice will be limited by the quality of your question.

    Having been a teacher of history I can clearly say that I can think of a few dozen people who might qualify as the first Brand Manager. But do you mean in the contemporary traditional sense of management or are you willing to accept a broader category? Look forward to hearing from you. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    Hi deepa

    in May 1931, Neil McElroy, a junior marketing manager of advertising at P&G proposed the classical Brand Management concept in a memo. In that memo he mentioned that a Brand Management team consists of a Brand Man and an Assistant Brand Man. He proposed this BM model for Camay which at that time was one of poorest performing product. The world knows today that Brand Management was pioneered by P&G.

    Mr. Neil McElroy later rose to become successsful CEO fo P&G and later became the US Secretary of Defense.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Mushfique hit the nail on the head. Neil McElroy was literally the first brand manager, in the sense we now use the term.

    P&G is generally acknowledged as the company that "invented" brand management, and McElroy is the one who coined the phrase.

    I guess you could argue that anyone who managed a brand (defined however you like) is also a brand manager, and then you'd have to go back in history to see what qualifies as a brand by the definition you pick.

    For example, if you require a brand to be the common identity of mass produced products, products that consistently deliver on a "brand" promise, then you probably wouldn't accept anything before the industrial revolution -- and mass-produced products. (Of course, if you can "brand manage" a company, you'd go back farther than that.)

    Net, it depends on what you intend to do with the issue. If it's for a humorous article, then caveman will work fine. If it's a serious question, I'd go with Neil McElroy.

    (Yes, I'm a former P&G Brand Manager!)
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1886 and earliest advertising for the brand started soon after, so while they may not have used the term "Brand Management", they were certainly managing their brand some 40 years before P&G thought of the term.

    There must be other instances from the Industrial Revolution, the Romans, Eqyptian and Greek cultures.

    What brand of asses milk was used by Cleopatra?
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Hi mgoodman

    I envy you for your experience with P&G as Brand Manager :( I wish i could work in P&G, but in my country Bangladesh, P&G has a very verry small operation, so no scope there :(

    btw, which part of the world you are from?

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi mbarber,

    the bible does not give noahs wife a name, so it is a trick question.

    wow i ACTUALLY learned something useful by going to a catholic school. how would have thought that? (LOL)

    sorry for rideing your question deepa_joe.

    Have a nice day

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    I AGREE with "you" on G-D being the first Brand Manager. Even Neil McElroy's ideas all came from that first "Master" Brand Manager and whether you're Jewish, Muslim or Christian we all can agree on that.

    But (hold on a minute, don't move a muscle...Adam & Eve are not the first brand he created lOOK CLOSER in Genesis and you will see the first brands created in order.)

    HEAVEN was the first brand,

    EARTH was the second brand,

    (& without the third brand we could see neither.."Hey Thomas Alva Edison why don't you turn on the...YES! Eureka! I can finally SEE...the )


    ("YES this was the third brand. And they all were created before my great grand Daddy Adam and my fine sexy Grandmamma Eve). Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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