
Topic: SEO/SEM

Paid Links

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What is the cost to get a one way paid link on a website I own. I know there are different prices depending on the sites page rank, so please show all the different types.
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    If you own the site then the pages are yours to do what you like with.
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry, what I mean is get a link on another site to a site I own.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Free to potentially thousands of dollars per month depending upon a number of variables including site traffic, PageRank, the site, etc.

    Also, for your protection I'd recommend using an alias if you plan on buying links because it will be easy to discover and connect you with them.

  • Posted on Author
    I get paid 7.5 cents for every click I get on a certain banner. If my costs are less than that a day, and I get at least one click, it is worth it.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    "Also, for your protection I'd recommend using an alias if you plan on buying links because it will be easy to discover and connect you with them."

    I just reread this and realized I wasn't clear. What I meant to say is that I would not publicize the fact that you're looking to buy links (eg on MP). It's a good way of getting your site banned.

    "Buying links isn't an accepted SEO technique."

    The ethics of this are debatable and I'm splitting hairs but with the high-volume of links bought and sold, it it isn't an unacceptable SEO technique. It is an unacceptable search engine technique. The search engines (Google in particular) state in their guidelines that it is not an acceptable practice.

    As KSA points out, there are a number of valid tactics for developing links that are acceptable to the guidelines.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    Another thought...

    Are you looking to build direct traffic or PR? It is considered acceptable to buy links, banners, etc. that are nofollowed.
  • Posted on Author
    just traffic, I need to get. I would like advice on how best to pursue my goal that I stated earlier.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    Look for authoritative sites in your vertical and ask them for their advertising rates. If they don't have established rates, work something out. Some will publish them on their sites. If you're doing this transparently then look for sites that use nofollow to avoid the potential issues already discussed.

    You can also look into banner ad networks and look at Google's Adwords content network.

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