
Topic: SEO/SEM

What Companies Help Create Web Buisness Plans?

Posted by Anonymous on 40 Points
I need advice to help my website flourish. I want to develop a good buisness plan. What companies can I hire to help me do that?
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    There are tons of Internet Marketing Consultants out there (including myself)? A lot of people think they know where the internet is headed, but it takes much experience to actually get qualified traffic flowing into your site.
  • Posted on Author
    I need to develop a stragy with a company first, as I am undecided. Please give a list of companies and your info, if you like, as well.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    First you would need a comprehensive internet marketing plan that would lay out what needs to be implemented and why so. I would say that the modern Internet Marketing Plan would involve the following:

    -Developing an attractive web site that converts and positions your company in the marketplace

    -Getting traffic to that site via SEO, PPC, Social Media and Referal sites

    -Continue o build useful and free content that drives additional traffic (expand to video content if budget allows)

    Once your plan is written, reviewed and approved then I would search out bids to complete the plan. There are different specializations within Internet Marketing and I would reccomend different firms and consultants work to complete each of the different components. Some people are just better at SEO than PPC and the management of these tasks is crucial.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I might be able to assist you on the plan part of your quest; for execution you'd need to hire out experts in those particular fields.

    That said, the plan itself isn't really that hard to do. You may want to give it a shot yourself first. . . you'll be surprised at how much you can get done on your own.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Hi David,

    We work with startups helping to vet out their ideas by determining the breadth and depth of their potential online market.

    We advise startups to undertake SEO market research to determine whether their ideas have merit prior to incurring startup costs.

    We typically find that most online ventures have potential. The question is how much and then aligning your investment with that potential. Regardless of whether the venture has potential or not, it would be smart business to know in advance of unnecessarily expending valuable resources (time, money, opportunity cost, etc).

    Please fee free to reach out if we can be of help.

    -Greg Hill
    [Phone number deleted by staff]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    You might want to repost your question here:

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