
Topic: Branding

Amazing B2b Global Product ....

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I need some expert advice and direction. We have developed an amazing new B2B branding tool ...that every business & e-mail user worldwide can use. Every Market sector in need of this product, and will benifit by the use of it.

Everyone we have shown this product to....wants to try it for themselves....and 99% of those that try it have purchased it. The Product and the back end systems are that good, and that's only the beginning.

My dilema is this .....This product needs be seen by the masses .....and I'm not sure how to go about this.

Is there any one who can provide some advice and direction, and possibly work with us in distribution & marketing . The rec urring revenue with this product for distributors is HUGE!
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi vincentd,

    welcome to KHE,

    I am a student, with no real experience in the real world yet.

    i like the idea, but can't you already do that with html in your email?

    also how does it transmit the images, because if it uses html there are already lots of products to fill that market?

    what about the email size is it a lot bigger than normal all email?

    if yes then you need to think about the Business man on the go who has 10 minutes to check all his email. he might not have time to wait for the email to download?

    also from reading some past questions about emails some people prefer just plan text.

    i personally like emails with a lot of pictures and cool stuff like that, i think my SPAM box had about 20 of your clients product emails in it at the moment ( but i cant be sure).

    i am sorry if this sounds negative but it sounds like just an normal email program to me.

    have a nice day

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted

    It looks like you have a neat, marketable product concept. It sure got my attention, and it's clear that you've put a lot of time, effort, and money into developing the product itself.

    The key to marketing it, however, is NOT in building the proverbial better mousetrap, but in finding out whether people need/want mousetraps at all, and, if they do, how they will integrate it into their current way of doing things. In short, what you may need is a better understanding of your target audience/market, how they view email, what they like/dislike about what they are doing, how they react to your product concept (before trying it), etc.

    It's a very familiar situation to almost any professional marketing consultant, and I'd be happy to work with you on it. But it's not a quickie solution on this forum; it's a project that will take several months and some investment of real money. If you are prepared to invest as much in the marketing engine as you have in the product itself, we definitely should talk.

    If not, join the legions of other entrepreneurs with great product/service ideas who have poured all their energy and money into product development and then wondered why they should spend even more money on marketing.

    (If you are interested in talking further, please contact me by private email. Click on my name and send email directly. Thx.)

  • Posted by tjh on Member
    "We have developed an amazing new B2B branding tool ...that every business & e-mail user worldwide can use. Every Market sector in need of this product, and will benifit by the use of it."

    You might want to review how you're marketing, and to whom. While it's exciting to think that Everybody Needs It, your marketing is more likely to succeed when you segment and target specific markets; with different copy, web sites, etc. Style or Fad-concious Consumers, Small Businesses, Large Businesses, e-mail Newsletter publishers, your affiliates and would-be affiliates, your professional resellers or bundlers (private labelers or not), ISP's, mail hosts, etc - Each of these probably needs separate sites (or least separate landing pages), different copy, different feature/benefit copy.

    For instance, you led your first post here mentioning it as a B2B branding tool, but your site doesn't really lend itself to B2B readers...

    Just my opinion, but it seems to me your first task is to focus - your thoughts, your markets, your marketing.

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