
Topic: Our Forum

Marketing Profs Top 25 Soul Singer

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Why is it that some of the Top 25 KHE Experts are so quiet about their work?

OK people come and people go...but Deremiah *CPE has been way too quiet for a while.

However anyone who's got a Facebook profile may be curious to see his recent activity:

Today Deremiah released a soul song to celebrate Martin Luther King's Birthday. Have a look and listen, and if you want, pay the princely sum of $0.99 for the download.

So in addition to a TV producer, an author and a Texan Biker, we now have a soul singer featured here. What a bunch of talented folk!

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Juliet,

    I've just listened, and signed up as a fan, and Deremiah*CPE: your song is awesomely awesome awesome awsomeness!

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    You creep - it was me who told him we should get this on the KHE forum and me who asked him if I should do it or would he prefer to! I'd forgotten that Scotland’s own version of a quarter of the Cheeky Girls was his protégée!

    (Boo! Hoo! Stamp feet, blast and curse)

    Of course, this is a fantastic opportunity for every one of us to find his 15 minutes of Warhol as the cast of Fame might have said and go viral with the message - if each of us tells the thousands of contacts we all have about Deremiah and each of them fired by the passion of Martin Luther King and a fine song just pass it on to 10 of their pals or all 100 of their FaceBook contacts and they like it enough to spread it to their contacts and so on, then we'll all be able to tell our grandchildren, "Do you remember that documentary about Deremiah who took over the mantle from Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder and Bob Marley and who became the fastest rising, biggest selling singer of all time? Well, I knew him, and I played my part and I helped and here is a copy of the 1000 emails he sent me to tell me that he LURRRVED ME LOL"

    Good luck big D – We’ll se you and Martin Luther King in the charts, so everyone else - tell everyone about this and also prove to the world that MarketingProfs doesn't just preach and teach - prove to them that on occasions we actually do and do it and do it bloody well!

    Rise to the challenge and well done Juliet, the timing is perfect!!

    Now email all your MP friends and ask them to read this and ask Anne if she would be willing to splurge it on the front pages!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    If you search Facebook for Henna Gaijing - trust me when I say that the person you find is not me.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Peter - I'm not a C list Golfer either though I bet he wishes he was mistaken for the gardener as often as I am! S'Japanese isn't it? Someone been misnaming porn-stars? Ouch!

    Now back to Deremiah's project - any chance you could email all 83,000 or your point’s contributors who put you ahead of me in the top 25, so that we can make this as big as possible.

    As Deremiah would say - I Looo000OOOOVE you so Keeeep on goin’ LoL
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Thanks to Peter's unusual post, viral marketing has started - wow!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Have downloaded and have started sharing - it takes time to hand-write write 2,134 letters to 2,134 friends and contacts, seal the envelopes and then find enough pigeons to send it because I’m not, repeat not shelling out for stamps!


    Or am I missing something?
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    Some write, some sing. Personally, I'm expressing myself more and more lately through interpretive dance.

    Ah one, ah two, then jazz hands, jazz hands, jazz hands, and Close!

    The thought of me in a sweatband and leggings might turn a few stomachs.


    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Accepted
    I have not slept for two nights now, picturing Darcy in leggings, doing the street dance from Fame. Thanks a bunch.

    The good news is that D's song was worth the insomnia and emotional trauma ...
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I finally got past the Markeingprofs Security GATE...It was like a take from an old Houdini movie...I just slipped out of the handcuffs and straight jacket... I'm Black yall..I mean I'm BACK's Deremiah the marketingprofs artist better known as *CPE.

    I'm sooo proud to jump in here a second. I've got to come back to this I'm on the road heading out to speak to a group of my peeps. I'll be back on this thing in 5 hours...Sooo hold tight and Stay RIGHT!!! I love you.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Great job - Thank you for sharing your talent! I hope you go platinum!

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dearest Deremiah

    Could you get all 2,221 of your friends on FaceBook to join MarketingProfs?

    Maybe, by a process of something like osmosis, we'd all start getting fan mail as well!

    Steve Alker

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