
Topic: Branding

Branding A New Rock Band

Posted by Anonymous on 20 Points
Anyone know the best way to start branding a new LA based rock-funk band?
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Hello,

    Before you brand a band you need to get their music heard.

    Get them to release a few MP3s of their stuff on a small website, not full tracks, just samplers of the first 45 seconds or so of each track.

    Get people to sign up through basic name capture to receive access to the MP3s; you then have e-mail addresses to market to and you have a way for people to buy the songs from you (as a downloadable album) via a PayPal link.

    Contact the relevant music directors of local LA radio ( stations and ask about their policy regarding unsolicited band exposure. Send them details in the way they ask for them.

    This might be in the guise of a three-track MP3 file, or as a CD. Whatever format you send the music in, include a band bio, details of who plays what, a group photograph, and include contact details of the band's primary spokesperson.

    Use your website and e-mail list to promote when and where the band is playing, even if at first this means playing in small settings and playing for little if any money. If you're good enough, you'll generate interest and a following. You can then repeat the radio ideas above as you release more material and begin contacting radio stations farther afield.

    If you've got enough material for a 10 or 12 track album, companies such as offer great CD duplication options that include artwork and printing for jewel cases and inserts.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Hello,

    One other thing. I suggest you get in touch with Carl Hitchborn
    at ManicVision in the UK. Probably the best way to contact Carl is through Twitter

    Carl runs a small but swiftly expanding music outlet for all kinds of bands and he's also a fully paid up member of the Good Bloke Society.

    Again, I hope this helps.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    You can't brand a band :))

    They just need Kick Ass music and a memorable name.

    If people like and ;love their music, they will succeed - if no body is listening and downlaoding and buying their music, then it is a lost cause :).

    if there was a formula for success in the music game then all the fun would go out of it :)

    If they trylu have the talent and people are getting excuited about the music, then just keep pushing, keep knocking on doors and make sure that the music is available on i-tunes

    the rest will happen fast.

    Good luck,

  • Posted on Member
    That's silly that you shouldn't brand a band. Music is still business. Look at KISS, one of the best branded bands ever! :)

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