
Topic: Branding

Phd Thesis Recommendation

Posted by zuzainol on 250 Points
i'm writing proposal for PhD on impact of brand equity on consumer purchase decision on retail brand. after reading several articles, I'm stuck....doesn't seem any new things from it.... need help....
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Are you planning to do some original research?

    What do you hope to show?

    Seems to me that consumers will be swayed to purchase brands they perceive to have the best fit with whatever they are looking for. Does that mean the highest equity? And is this equity you're looking at, is it a balance-sheet item or something more ethereal in the consumer's mind, akin to some kind of positioning value?
  • Posted by ranjanpaul on Member
    How about online brands and how do they impact consumer buying decisions?
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Narrow your focus to a single geography and a single brand or industry. Pick these based on your own convenience and interest. Remember too that whatever you learn in the process of completing your dissertation can be useful in pursuing future career objectives, so you might want to give that some thought too.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Family influence on branding choices, parent vs child.
  • Posted by zuzainol on Author
    family influence might be interesting.....but i do feel that so many research have been done regarding the topic
  • Posted by zuzainol on Author
    so far i'm narrowing my topic into malaysia context and maybe people are really concern with hygienic aspects
  • Posted by khullarsfromc on Member
    Consumers for centuries have bought brands for the same reason.Emotional bonding,attachement or belief in the promise of the brand,whether it is hiring of a politician or a product bought at retail.So what are you confused about? What were you expecting?The fact that just about every product/service is being branded and for that product/service to grow and get into national/international markets,it has to have branding element.
    You have to decide where you want to go with it.If you narrow your focus,it might be easier to research.If you say,diapers,there are two companies that dominate the market in US,P & G and Kimberly clark.I wonder if you contact them in your home country,they may be able to provide you with help.may be some outdated research that is not secret anymore.Depending on what and how you choose to research,you may be able to offer them something and get something in return.What issues diaper companies are facing in Malaysia? if you do your thesis on topics that interest them and get somebody in marketing interested in your thesis,your thesis will have lot of help and good data and may get you a job offer if you are looking to get into.
  • Posted by zuzainol on Author
    Solange24, thx for the terrific ideas. For crowd sourcing….i still need to look into. For now I might go for tampon instead of diapers….anyway how to contact u?

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