
Topic: Branding

Anyone Have Example/template Of Branding Survey?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our company would like to put on our website an online branding surve/questionaire. Does anyone have examples of commonly asked branding questions, or a template for such a survery.

Thanks, much appreciated.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi colleen,

    try this past question. the answer by gerardodada and holm should point you in the right direction.

    also please try to keep you question open for at least 24 hours to enable all people to have a chance to answer the question.

    have a nice day

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I'm currently working on a brand map (its still on its way Blaine!), and a brand healthcheck.
    When the are available I (we) will let you all know.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    As Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else."

    It sounds from your question as though the objective is "to put a branding survey/quesitonnaire up on your website." If that's the objective, then it doesn't really matter what the questions are, does it?

    Now, if what you want is to find out how your brand is perceived by website visitors, and how that compares with the brand images of your competitors, etc., that's a different question/objective.

    Similarly, if you want to find out about your brand position in the broader marketplace [in the absolute and relative to your compeitiors], putting a survey on your website might be exactly the WRONG solution. What percentage of your target audience knows you just from your website? You might be surveying a very non-representative sample of the universe by restricting the survey to just the website. Etc.

    You will get lots of very sympathetic assistance and response from this group, but you need to be sure you're asking the right question. Otherwise you'll end up "someplace else."

  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    OK. That's a good start.

    Compared to what? If you learned that 20% of your target completed the survey, and 45% of those perceive the brand as being friendly, helpful, or whatever, would that make you happy?

    Said another way, what's the benchmark for measuring "how ... current readers perceive ..." all those things? How will you know what to do with the results? What are the action standards and the expected use of results?

    Do you need to compare results to comparable results for your competitiors, or are you only interested in meeting an internally developed set of standards?

    Also recognize that respondents to an online survey are very likely to be self-selected and not a projectable sample of your "current readers." That is, they are people who have a strong point of view and a need/desire to express it. They could very well be the people in the tail ends of your bell-shaped curve.

    Again, I'm not trying to be cute or negative. I'm trying to get you to think through the problem before deciding on a solution.

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