
Topic: Branding

Tools To Measure An Advertising Campaign?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would like to know how best to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaign. And also how best to brand a product?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    "How to best brand a product" is a very broad question. The short answer is to understand the consumer at a deep level (needs, wants, aspirations, beliefs, values, etc.), deliver a product/service that truly addresses the consumers needs, and delivers value consistently.

    A brand is a promise -- a promise of consistent quality, desired benefits, good value, etc. To best brand a product, you need to be sure you have earned your brand franchise.

    To measure the effectiveness, one way is to conduct a brand audit/image study among your target audience (not just your current customers). Ask them what attributes and benefits they value in your category. Then ask them how your brand (and the brands of your competitors) stack up against those valued attributes and benefits.

    If you've done a good job with your branding program, you will dominate the features and benefits you promise. You've delivered on your positioning. If consumers misunderstand your brand, you can probe further to see whether it's a product problem or a communications problem.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    Now for the issue of measuring your advertising effectiveness: It depends on what the objective was. If it was to register a brand name, that's different than if it was to generate an immediate order, or motivate a website visit.

    I've conducted advertising response studies that cover the full range, and the approach you take is almost entirely a function of the objective.

    In some cases I've seen clients conduct elaborate experiments. I remember one test where we advertised using three different campaigns (different copy/media combinations) at three different levels of spending. In total, we used 9 different markets, with local print, spot tv, and cable, translating a national plan. Then we read sales and consumer response (via phone surveys and IRI share data) at the end of 6, 9 and 12 months. (That was probably overkill, but the client was very impatient and was asking "how's it going" almost every week!)

    In other cases, it might be a consumer attitude and awareness survey -- pre and post advertising -- to see what happens to unaided and aided awareness among the target audience.

    Regardless of the approach, it's also important to have some way to measure other, non-advertising factors (like trade promotions, unusual competitive activity, new product introductions in the category, etc.).

    All of these are standard operating procedures among large advertisers and the market research firms that actually field the studies.

    How you proceed depends on the category, market segment, and -- most importantly -- the objectives of the advertising. And, of course, you need to look at the value and use of the information you'll gain. It could cost more to measure the effectiveness than the results are worth.

    Note: Measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign is not the same as measuring the effectiveness of a branding program, as branding is a much broader issue (as covered in my previous response).

    Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more.
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    The best way is to put objectives and test them during the campaign. What are your objectives? Top of mind, reminding your brand or certain information, incentive the sales, promote your products, launch a new product, advertise new features and benefits, ....

    It is important to test the customers and prospects, before the campaign and after it to compare the variations of your efforts and inversion. It is also important to test you in comparison to your competence, because they are doing thinks too.


    Juan Carlos
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi nick

    I fully agree with the advice from mgoodman, jose, juan carlos.

    here is, IMHO, some of the ways to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaign in a simple way.

    #1. sales and profit generated by the campaign against the cost of the campaign.
    #2. the ratio of Increment in sales and the advertising expenses for the campaign.
    #3. the ratio of profit from and the cost of the campaign compared to the same ratio of before the campaign.
    #4 Brand awareness of your brand after the campaign as opposed to before the campaign.

    for for best way to brand a product i agree with mgoodman completely. hope this helps.


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