
Topic: Branding

New Brands From Gujarat

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
two new brands are going to enter from gujarat to play at national level and there advertising campaigns are soon to come. plz reply which are those two brands/clients

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I'm sure I am not the only one here who finds this question puzzling.

    I know Gujarat is a state in India. What do you mean by "brands" in this context, and what does "play at national level" mean here? Are you talking about commercially branded sports teams? What game?

    Much more detail please...
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    arts876: Your message is unclear. You'll need to explain what you want more precisely if you expect input from us.
  • Posted by BizConsult on Accepted
    If it's competitive intelligence you're after, I'd suggest searching the web on multiple search engines using the location and category as keywords.

    If the category is monitored by any governmental agencies (for registration, manufacturing, labeling, licensing, etc.) check with those agencies. Also check for any trademarks and/or patent applications or registrations.

    Since you seem to know there will be national advertising, leverage any media contacts you might have to (i.e., those your company or agency buys media from) to see if there are specific competitors. Also see if there was an RFP submitted to the advertising industry for agency selection/campaign development by searching the trade publications.


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