
Topic: SEO/SEM

Is It Prudent To Use Directory Submission Services

Posted by Anonymous on 55 Points
Hello everyone,

I am trying to do some inhouse link building and have submitted our site to the more important directories. I would like to know your thoughts on Directory submission services and the link value that these provide if any. Are these permanent links? I'm looking at a provider right now and it looks like they're from India is this safe?

Thank you in advance

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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I have never used, as I have always heard they were basically worthless. Actually, not all links are beneficial - the rumor has it that Google looks for link building and may actually reduce your ranking if it feels you are trying to manipulate the system. Link farms are one place that may be considered manipulating the system.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    @Karen: No, I would not bother submitting your site to search engines. Sitemaps and local, sure.

    @webmaster: My assumption is that you are referring to bulk directory submissions. Some directory submissions might help though I wouldn't go looking for thousands of them or submit to a large number in a short period of time.

    If you can find quality directories in relevant niches and work your keyprhases into the anchor text then that could help. Keep in mind though that the value of bulk submission directories is debatable. At best their value is low (there are high-value directories though they tend to be difficult or expensive to get listed in and I don't believe that this is what we are discussing).

    Another benefit can be the offsetting of higher quality link development efforts. Every site has a certain number of lower quality links. If you build links that are all of high value then this could be perceived as "suspect". Some lower quality links could balance your link portfolio.

    We have found good value in bulk directory submission for a specific tactic that we've developed but, ahem, we prefer to keep that card close to our chest.

    Is this on track or are you looking for feedback in a different segment of directory submissions?

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