
Topic: SEO/SEM

Hiring Workers For Seo Purpose

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Is it better for business owners to hire workers to do the SEO for them or do it themselves?

Would hiring other people in an hourly basis be worthwhile?
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  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    SEO is a full time job as content creation is as well. Sometimes it is better to bring a Specialist In-House to to do this kind of work. Content - you can never have enough of it.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Really depends on how big your website is and how competitive the keywords you are targeting are.

    The advantage of hiring an SEO [and I would suggest getting him or her on your staff] is that leaves you free to focus on other parts of your business. Also they will have the expertise to compete for the more competitive keywords
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Marketing Sherpa had data indicating that external SEO was 3x more effective than internal. The reason that this may be so is that:

    1. We only wear one hat and are more focused on the campaign. Inside staffers are easily hijacked to serve other functions.

    2. We have greater work diversity and challenges so we are able to bring insight that internal staff may not by privy to.

    Hiring an outside firm isn't the best solution for every organization. However, for most it is probably the better choice.

    I don't see utilizing internal IT staff for this purpose. Some of our clients don't have access to their IT staff primarily because they are already overworked and have a long backlog. Also, they are highly skilled in specific areas but may lack knowledge in this area. SEO is part tech but it is also part marketing.

    If you don't have internal or external SEO now, consider hiring a consultancy to get you started and then down the line, make a decision based upon that experience.

    Ultimately though it comes down to ROI.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    A single tool, regardless of how good or bad it is, isn't going to provide the entire picture nor is it going to satisfy the requirement of full or part-time SEO.
  • Posted by excellira on Member
    The OP asked about hiring in-house vs agency SEOs. Budget doesn't seem to be the question. The question is ROI. It would raise a red flag if one were providing professional recommendations based on a free online tool.

    Also, profiles and directory listings typically do fall under the SEO umbrella.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Just my two cents worth. I have personally experienced the power of the search engines relative to our new customers for our car wrap business. If you have a website and use it as a marketing tool hiring an SEO professional is adamant. I do all our inhouse SEO projects for several of our sites and the tasks you need to accomplish to launch even a localized campaign are monotonous and mind numbing at times but the rewards are great. An inhouse SEO which has been a part of your organization for some time is privy to the inner workings of your organization has advantages opposed to an external SEO as they would be familiar with your business' terminologies,practices and would most likely be a good source of key phrase data. If you are going to hire a new person to do this then I surmise it is better to go for an external SEO company or expert based on a performance basis. From a work place perspective an inhouse SEO might fall into the lull of being complacent as his efforts are not performance bound. SEO agencies are bound by performance contracts and will likely cost less in the long run.

    Mik Pam

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