
Topic: Branding

Tradeshow Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
We are a management consulting firm in the area of workforce improvement. We are targeting retailers with extensive labor costs and exhibit at retail apparel and grocery conferences. We do all the requisite pre-show activities i.e. mailings, calls ,etc. to hopefully drve prospects to our booth. This questions relates to stopping traffic at the show. Has anyone done or seen anything new to entice people and get them to stop while at the show?Something interesting and unusual?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I am a firm believer in needing motion in a booth.

    Many booths contains graphics on a back wall, perhaps a table with samples and a bowl of candies, and some bored looking person standing there hoping that people will stop in (or perhaps just hoping that his shift will be over and he can go home). Not much to grab someone's attention.

    I much prefer when there is something in the booth which is animate and also shows off what your product does. Perhaps a continuous loop of a video showing your products? Or a display which moves?

    In a prior job of mine, the company made a waterproof electrical connector. To demonstrate this, we had a fish tank (with fish) in which we also had a submerged cable with our connector. That cable fed a light, showing that it was powered. The fish provided some motion, so people would stop and look, drawing them to our connector and seeing what it did. Much better than just using a photograph showing the same thing.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi lsebbens,

    you might want to try the Search Questions link and type in "trade show"

    there are some awsome ideas in there.

    Carl Crawford
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    If they don’t come to you, walk the show and offer an enticement for them to visit your booth. See past questions for creative ideas for enticements.

    Here’s a link to Tradeshow ROI Calculator:

    best of luck,

    - Steve
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Interesting... you asked a very similar question here in June!

    If you follow Carl's advice and use the Search Questions link, please try the keywords "trade" or "exhibit." You'll have better luck with those!

    - Shelley
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Two things I have used well in the past, one is to use a magician, people really do stop and watch the whole show, a good maginian will alos work you messages into the act.

    Also just take an additional room at the venue to use as a hospitality area, where you can provide light refreshments.

    I once saw a roulette table used to good effect!

    Good Luck

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