
Topic: SEO/SEM

Website Not Getting Looked At

Posted by sales on 250 Points
Website is not getting looked at. It gets first page rank on most search engines using popular search chandelier

Input appreciated..
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    How are you publicizing it on and offline. Just by being there won't generate hits.

    You may also want to consider keywords for lights/lighting.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Gail is right. Just having a website and having a decent page rank for search engines isn't nearly enough. YOU have to drive the traffic to your site. What's the marketing strategy?

    What you've done is the equivalent of opening up a nice storefront and posted signage nearby. But if nobody knows you're there, it's not likely you'll get much walk-in traffic.

    But if you advertise your unique customer benefit and give people a reason to seek you out, then you have a chance. So the question shouldn't be, "Why isn't our website being visited?" It should be, "What can we do to create awareness of the important benefit we provide?"

    You might want to start by identifying your prime target audience and their most important needs.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    How often do people search for the term "black chandelier" when buying a chandelier, sconce, or lamp? I suspect not often. More likely they would just plug in "Chandelier", for which our site doesn't come up on first page.

    Your google pagerank is 2, which is kind of low. Be pretty easy to get this up to 3 or 4.

    I checked your backward links, and found only 2 - one myspace page (not very useful) and the other an interior designer (a little better). Being talked about on blogs, mentioned by interior designers, etc. is useful for getting the word out about you, and also for raising your page rank which helps more people find you when searching.

  • Posted by sales on Author
    google keyword tool says 27100 searches a month.
    We sell a niche product...only black chandeliers.
    I would assume that when someone searches black chandeliers they would find us considering our page rank on that word combination alone. Is there something I can tweek in the page title to make it more likely to be clicked on?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Your title tag (" | #1 Internet...") perhaps isn't sufficiently compelling. Consider: "Specializing In Black Chandelier Lighting:"

    Also, I encourage you to get listed with Google Merchant Center so people searching to buy "black chadeliers" ( will find you. Read:

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