
Topic: SEO/SEM

Adwords -- Initial Caps On Keywords?

Posted by KathyAd on 125 Points
My company has a very extensive Google Adwords program that has been built up over the past 5 years. We have hundreds of keywords. We are currently going through a major revamping, and I am wondering if initial caps matters on our keywords?

Ex. if we have the keyword "java web design" does it matter if we use "Java Web Design" or "java web design"? I think some of our keywords have initial caps because they were simply cut and past from our product literature, or they are the name of a product line.

We use a broad match in our Google Adwords program. I don't know if that matters.

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  • Posted by excellira on Member
    As I recall, I think it's easier to read upper and lower case. You may want to test both before committing to the change.
  • Posted by KathyAd on Author
    I should clarify -- I am referring to KEYWORDS, not text ads. Excellira, I thought maybe you were referring to text ads.

    So if I have hundreds of keywords, does it matter if they have initial caps or not? Some of ours do, and some don't. Again, I think the initial caps ended up in AdWords because they were cut and paste from our product literature.

    Thank you!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    From the Google Adwords site:

    Are keywords case-sensitive?

    No. Keywords are matched without regard to upper-case or lower-case letters. For example, you don't need to enter 'real estate' and 'Real Estate' as keywords; just 'real estate' will cover both.
  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Ah. Sorry, i did misunderstand. No, G usually is case-insensitive.
  • Posted by KathyAd on Author
    Oh, perfect. Thanks ya'll!

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