
Topic: Branding

So We've Got A New Name, How About The Strap Line?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I received a lot of useful response to my July question - What do we do with a name like ours? (Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy).

We're to merge with another similar charity called Friends of the Clergy Corporation and will operate as:

The Clergy Family Support Charity.

Its not snappy but is acceptable and says what we do.

However we do feel the need for a strapline either making the case emotively, "At the heart of giving" or describing our parentage, "Formed by the Friends and Sons of the Clergy".

Has anyone any direct not for profit experiences of which type is likely to have the greatest impact and, any suggestions for improving the power/clarity?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    One quick reaction: I think the word "charity" cheapens the organization perceptually. If there's a way to stress the idea of "helping" or "giving back" you'll appeal to the needs of your target audience (to feel they're doing something good). Charity is something people ask for when they can't help themselves (even for good reason). It's about the recipient more than the donor.

    Better to appeal to peoples' needs to assuage guilt, do something worthwhile, help others, be perceived as righteous, give back, etc. That's a lot more palatable than "giving to charity."

    My $0.02 worth. It's probably too late, but I'd try to reposition the organization by getting rid of the "charity" thing.

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