
Topic: Branding

Shop Layout And Branding

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am opening a baby shop for 0-5years in a prime up scale area. Id like it to be a one stop shop and willing to go down to 0-3yrs for space reasons.

The space is 832sq ft, has one concrete wall at the back and all glass on the 3 remaining walls.

Please give me any pointers.
Much appreciated
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Display a select number of items, but don't clutter the glass because it will be that which makes the store look bigger.

    Minimize the amount of merchandise you display. People don't like clutter, looking through it or trying to move around it.

    Keep it simple and colorful. Extra sizes, etc., may be kept in backroom storage for when customers ask.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm not sure what you're asking. We're mostly marketing folks, not retail layout experts. And if it's branding help you need, we're really good at that, but we need more information from you.

    The store dimensions and materials are not the things that impact branding as much as an in-depth understanding of your prime customers. Where do they live? How will they learn about your store? How do they decide where to buy whatever it is you're selling? Where are they buying it now? How satisfied are they? What important unmet need of theirs will you address?

    You need to really get into their needs, values, beliefs, attitudes, habits and practices so you can deliver a compelling benefit-oriented message that positions you as the first, best or only way to solve a critical problem of theirs. And you'll be even more effective if you can use the words THEY use to describe that problem and the way they'd like to see it solved.
  • Posted by cookmarketing@gmail. on Accepted
    Your consumer will eventually tell you what they want.

    Name of the shop would also help in layout...exampled with 0-3. I know a tad here, if a mother or grandmother come in for size 2 diapers, she either see or ask for the diapers.

    IF, you have a complete section of everything 0, another with 1, another with would increase your chances of impulse sales.

    The center of store is for new items, fashion, in-n-out, seasonal etc...therefore that core/center store will change continually and make each visit unique

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