
Topic: Branding

Developing A Company Mascot Plan - How To Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am to design a strategic plan to raise brand awareness through a company mascot that has been created. I have no idea where to begin with this and what it takes to do this. Could anyone please provide me with resources that could assist me with this? I could be reached at [Email address deleted by staff]

Thank you!
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  • Posted by mvaede on Accepted
    What is the Mascott ?

    Imagine a story
    - how this creature came to the world
    - how it will help the company
    - which are the strengths associated with it
    - show the above in a small story, posted on the company blog, in pr, on a company brochure or why not, develop a simple 3 page web-comic.... which could be reprinted or extended as needed.

    Brand building and awareness is a slow process in general and even if you got a sufficient budget to communicate massively, people will still have to adjust.

    B2B Marketing
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Your strategy will depend on your audience. Where and via what media you share this mascot should be based on the best place to reach, inform and entertain your intended demographic.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Start by seeing who the mascot resonates with. Create the "back story" (as Mikael suggests) and see who cares about the message/image. Fine tune the story to appeal most broadly to your customer base, and make sure (like a logo) you consistently use the mascot for all your marketing materials to "brand" it.
  • Posted on Accepted
    1) A mascot strikes me as being ideal for "soft sell" social marketing. Consider having a contest involving the mascot on, for instance, Facebook:


    2) An excellent way of increasing on-line awareness is to use videos, e.g. on YouTube. Consider releasing a series of short videos (animanted pictures) of your Mascot. These do not need to be Walt Disney film productions! Talk to your local film school and also see what surfaces with a google search.

    3) Make sure your mascot is tied into whatever charitable work your organiation supports. This tie-in is especially important if the mascot is appealing to children.


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