
Topic: SEO/SEM

Role Of An Seo During The Web Development Process

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am just trying to understand the level of co-ordination between SEO and the web development. What specific roles and responsibilities an SEO professional would have during the website development process?

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  • Posted by excellira on Accepted
    Some quick thoughts:

    1. Develop search marketing plan, define objectives, develop content plan, keyword research to target audience and guide content development
    2. Provide a web development guidelines document to ensure that the site is built and developed with search-friendly technology and practices.
    3. Create or optimize strategic content
    4. Minor consulting engagement during development process to keep project within recommendations and provide support; assist with URL redirects, etc.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Keyword reviews, linking, content creation, on screen optimization, competition review and assessment, press releases and article connections, social media connections, blog creation, content distribution ... the list goes on.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Just to add my .02 here the role of the SEO can be compared to the architect and/or foreman of the project. Excellira and Gary have given you excellent advice. To share with you how we build sites we first do Keyword , Market and Industry research on the niche. The SEO then builds the site architecture based of the chosen keyword targets and collaborates with the developer and designer to make it into a coherent / aesthetic mix (If only SEOs built sites you'd have a long scrolling homepage full of text content ). The SEO will make sure the architecture is accessible and will have other considerations like internal linking, siloing , cross linking etc.

    The content also needs to be coordinated to match the keyword targets as well as other meta data and elements. The seo will also have sort of like a "cheat sheet" for the developer and/or designer to follow for example how to canonicalize pages,SEFs etc.. He can also give recommendations on what appears "above the fold" , calls to action for funneling and so on and so forth.

    It is my opinion that the SEO should be heavily involved in the development of the site and not added on later as an after thought to avoid costly post launch re dos.

    There is so much more I can share with you about a SEOs involvement in site devlopment but I'm short on time ...

    I hope this helps

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