
Topic: Branding

Branding Help With Biz

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I currently have a biz called Develop Your Dreams that I've been marketing as a college/career planning co. In actuality I would like to provide consulting services and workshops to truly give people/students/parents the strategy,resources, and support to go after "their dreams" not just help with college admissions and job searching. I originally chose to use college/career planning because I felt like people would identify with that easier. As a result I am getting clients, but not the ones I truly want to work with. I am looking for a way to rebrand the biz to target people/students that have a dream but need guidance, resources and support to execute and go after it. Should I make the biz specific for a certain type of industry like career planning for entertainment or fashion? I am trying to adjust what I have and don't know the best way to bring it across. (I am a school counselor by trade and former fashion model if that helps ) I've seen interest in the concept from my blog, but I need to adjust something. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Given your background in the fashion industry, perhaps you could think of your business as a "talent development and personal branding consultancy" (akin to a talent agency but empathize the development aspects). Target segments could be the arts and performing arts - music, film, acting, painting etc.

    hope this helps,

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    oops ... make that "emphasize"
  • Posted on Member
    Hi Traney,

    I would recommend to target students who have dreams but not the knowledge. That's where you fit in. you will find these kind of prospects in B towns more and less in A towns.

    I would recommend you to also look for more and more seminars at educational institutions and provide more than a counseling. If you provide some thing which any student can do, they would not completely reply on you. Look for increasing your bucket of offering.

    I know one institution who target students via seminars for preparation of GMAT. Primarily they provide GMAT coaching services but from there itself they identify the prospects for admission counseling, visa counseling and more bunch of high paying services. And coincidentally, it as surprising to know that their major revenue comes from consulting services and not from Main coaching.

    Hope this will help you.

    Nishant Manchanda

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