
Topic: Our Forum

Arrow-brackets In Your Postings

Posted by Valerie Witt on 0 Points
Hi all. Recently we implemented a change in the forum to block code from being inserted in people's postings as a defensive measure against hackers. This means that if you use the arrow-brackets in your questions or answers, your posts will not be published.

I'm not sure what these things are officially called, but they're the brackets located above the comma and period on my keyboard.

I know this limits your ability to use html tags for formatting. Sorry about that! Later on, we may refine our code to allow certain tags. For now, bold and italics are permitted.

If you forget and use the brackets, just email me. I can delete them from your post and publish it. There's no reason to rewrite your message. I can also edit old posts of yours that have disappeared, if you call my attention to them.

Best wishes,


P.S. As of now, underline tags will block your post.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    ...also known as angle brackets, or symbols for "greater than" and "less than."

    If you're browsing through old Q&A threads in the archive and you see a response that looks like it was swallowed whole, you might want to send Val a link to that question. Especially if that missing response looks like it was Accepted by the question's author.

    Why bother? Because it increases the value of the archive for everyone -- you included!


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