
Topic: Branding

New Idea For Creative For Overused Theme

Posted by lathans on 500 Points
Hello all,
We have an annual company meeting for more than 450 employees that spans 3 days. We've just undergone a huge acquisition infusing over 100 employees, and this year's theme is "Think Big, Expect More", relating to adapting to the entrepreneurial spirit, additional resources, personal accountability, and expecting more from yourself.

We are struggling with some creative treatment of this idea to carry the message through powerpoint, signage, and overall activity. Short turnaround here, folks. Thoughts?
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    If you offer your industry, we will be able to better help you. The program's theme is a good one that can only be enhanced by making the media personal with use of the industry in it.
  • Posted by lathans on Author
    We are in the technology industry (software, implementation, security, infrastructure, cloud), but the feel for this meeting is personal, with the emphasis on the people making this company as great as it is.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by lathans on Author
    I've been through countless Google, Getty, Jupiter, istock, and Shutterstock images already looking for the same thing. Though I've seen a few things I like, most rely on just type treatment to get the point across.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What does "Expect More" mean for your company? Any specific goals? Is this simply another "rah-rah" theme, or is there a reason for the employees to be engaged? What's in it for the employees? What's in it for the company? What supporting initiatives will you have in place to keep on-message throughout the year?
  • Posted by lathans on Author
    Expect more as far as resources, investments, community involvement, secure clients, availability to sell more and different products and services; also, expect more from yourself as far as what you can achieve. This theme will be repeated throughout the year in other employee engagements, such as our quarterly Town Hall meetings, reviews, and addresses.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Given what you described, I'd focus on the word "more". "More" is what you want to achieve and is an easy message: more resources, more investments, more results, more sales, etc.

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