
Topic: Branding

Uk Company Re-brand

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm a mainstream Program Manager who has just been assigned an interesting project which is a bit different from my usual assignment. I work for a UK based financial services company with an online presence and about 60,000 customers, who is about to undertake a re-branding initiative.

I've scoured the net and some very helpful agencies have pointed me int the direction of case studies and other material, which has given me some background but little depth.

We will be getting in some expert help but at this stage I need to put together a project plan & budget estimate. Are there any sample plan(s) out there I could look through. Everything's currently up for grabs from name change, web re-design, communications re-design, logos, collaterals and obviously rollout. I'm not from an advertising & marketing background but am relishing the challenge.

Hopefully someone may be able to help
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  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    A question back to you: WHY is your company looking to rebrand?

    We've seen a number of rebranding exercises in the UK recently (particularly in the financial services sector) and, for a lot of them, I've had difficulty in seeing the point of the exercise from a customer's point of view!

    So... who is your current customer base?.. is the rebrand aimed at them?.. or is the rebrand aimed at re-positioning the service towards a different target segment from your current customer base?..

    Sorry... that's more than one question, and no answers to YOUR question, but I believe it's fundamentally important to understand these points before recommending the tactical approaches you're looking for!

    Hope these questions help rather than confuse!

    Good luck,
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    Boskis, you are obviously aware that branding is made up from: your market segements, your company personality, your positioning, your 'brand' management and brand structure, and your differentiators.

    I have been around the UK marketing scene for 18 years now, if you are interested in a formal sit down to look at branding, and the elements that make up your brand and start to plan it from there, then click on my name and drop me an email.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I would love to help you! Currently, we are working on similar projects for 2 UK based companies.

    Please send me an email (just click on my name) to discuss the details.

    Thank you.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Good Luck, and remember you can always return here if you need to.

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